The second Voronoi conjecture on parallelohedra for zonotopes

A Garber - arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.0401, 2011 -
… We prove the second Voronoi conjecture on parallelohedra for zonotope. We show that for …
copies of zonotope Z there are d vectors, connecting centers of zonotopes with common facet, …


F SANTOS - 2000 -
… case in which P is a zonotope (see Section 2 for definitions). In … for monotone paths on
zonotopes of fixed dimension as well as … Let Z be a zonotope of dimension d > 2 with n generators …

Zonotopic fault detection observer with H performance

Y Wang, M Zhou, V Puig, G Cembrano… - 2017 36th Chinese …, 2017 -
… Abstract: This paper proposes a robust fault detection observer based on zonotopes for
discrete-time uncertain systems with sensor faults and unknown but bounded uncertainties. The …

Fans, Arrangements, Zonotopes, and Tilings

GM Ziegler - Lectures on Polytopes, 1995 - Springer
… There are a few more “obvious” properties of zonotopes: for example, all zonotopes are
centrally symmetric. Also, since every face of a cube is a (translated) cube, we get that every …

[PDF][PDF] Reachable set computation for solving fuel consumption terminal control problem using zonotopes

AF Shorikov, VI Kalev - CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2016 -
… Afterwards, we provide algorithm for exact reachable set computation using zonotopes. Finally,
… of zonotope Z. On figure 2 we show a zonotope construction with three generators in R2. …

Zonotopes and hypertoric varieties

M Arbo - 2015 -
zonotope, and the natural structure dual to an affine arrangement is a zonotopal tiling. Hence,
we define a construction which takes a zonotope … a zonotope, and all other zonotopes will …

[PDF][PDF] New animations of symmetric patterns based on space-filling zonotopes

L Vörös - 17th Scientific-Professional Colloquium on Geometry … -
Planar and spatial symmetry groups are the base of several works in different branches of
art. Our symmetric models of the hypercube and the symmetrically arranged periodical …

Volume inequalities for asymmetric Orlicz zonotopes

F Chen, C Yang, M Luo - arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.06848, 2015 -
… In this paper, we deal with the asymmetric Orlicz zonotopes by using the method of
shadow system. We establish the volume product inequality and volume ratio inequality for …

Weighted voting, threshold functions, and zonotopes

C Stenson - The Mathematics of Decisions, Elections, and …, 2014 -
zonotope Tn related to these functions and describe its coordinates in terms of a measure of
voting power. We also give a voting interpretation of the coordinates of the derived zonotope

Autonomous ship berthing with reachability analysis based on Zonotopes

J Park - 2021 -
Recently, autonomous ships in the field of shipbuilding have become popular. Among the
various technologies of autonomous ships, autonomous berthing is very important. Thus, a …