[PDF][PDF] Complexity of experimental designs and polynomial models via Betti numbers
H Maruri, H Wynn… - SAMSI Transition …, 2009 - researchgate.net
… Using the zonotope theory we can (theoretically) find candidate w-vectors. • Betti numbers
for the Stanley-Reisner ideal and its Artinian closure (adjoint the quadratics a 2 ,b 2 ,...): △, β(I…
for the Stanley-Reisner ideal and its Artinian closure (adjoint the quadratics a 2 ,b 2 ,...): △, β(I…
Robust identification and fault diagnosis using set-membership approaches
J Blesa - 2011 - dialnet.unirioja.es
… form and complex shapes (zonotopes and polytopes) for … systems with uncertain parameters
bounded by a zonotope. … in parameters was bounded by a zonotope, whereas in the method …
bounded by a zonotope. … in parameters was bounded by a zonotope, whereas in the method …
A geometric construction of multivariate sinc functions
W Ye, A Entezari - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… to zonotopes that allows us to explicitly derive the sinc function for general lattices. The
abstraction to zonotopes … of a higher zone zonotope, we can convert it to a lower zone zonotope. …
abstraction to zonotopes … of a higher zone zonotope, we can convert it to a lower zone zonotope. …
Reconfigurable direct control allocation for overactuated systems
M Demenkov - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2011 - Elsevier
… the definition of a zonotope: it is the image of a cube under an affine projection. Zonotopes
are special … From (3) we conclude that our AVS is exactly a zonotope. This fact has been first …
are special … From (3) we conclude that our AVS is exactly a zonotope. This fact has been first …
The spectral side of Arthur's trace formula
T Finis, EM Lapid, W Müller - Proceedings of the National …, 2009 - National Acad Sciences
… A variant of the monotone path polytope for the root zonotope of type A4. It has 62 vertices,
100 edges (10 directions, 10 in each direction) and 40 faces (10 octagons and 30 squares). It …
100 edges (10 directions, 10 in each direction) and 40 faces (10 octagons and 30 squares). It …
[PDF][PDF] A submodular function minimization algorithm based on the minimum-norm base
S Fujishige, S Isotani - Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2011 - kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
… a zonotope is … zonotopes are typical edge-polynomial polyhedra. The number of edge
vectors of base polyhedra is O(n2) with n being the dimension of the space, and that of zonotopes …
vectors of base polyhedra is O(n2) with n being the dimension of the space, and that of zonotopes …
Robust predictive control by zonotopic set-membership estimation.
VTH Le - 2012 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
… Comme un zonotope est un polytope, le zonotope peut être mis sous forme d’une H-représentation
ou d’une V -représentation. Cependant l’avantage du zonotope vient de ses propres …
ou d’une V -représentation. Cependant l’avantage du zonotope vient de ses propres …
[PDF][PDF] Point distance problems with dependent uncertainties
Y Myers, L Joskowicz - 25th European Workshop on …, 2009 - researchgate.net
… is a zonotope vertex. … zonotope in O(k). If it is, the minimum distance is zero and its parameters
vector is the solution to w + Awq = 0. Otherwise we find the closest point of the zonotope to …
vector is the solution to w + Awq = 0. Otherwise we find the closest point of the zonotope to …
[HTML][HTML] Reachability analysis of linear systems using support functions
C Le Guernic, A Girard - Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2010 - Elsevier
This work is concerned with the algorithmic reachability analysis of continuous-time linear
systems with constrained initial states and inputs. We propose an approach for computing an …
systems with constrained initial states and inputs. We propose an approach for computing an …
Polytopes from subgraph statistics
A Engström, P Norén - arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.3552, 2010 - arxiv.org
… In Section 4 we introduce the curvy zonotopes. They are semi-… zonotopes as expected
values of particular exchangeable graph models. In Section 5 we show that the curvy zonotopes …
values of particular exchangeable graph models. In Section 5 we show that the curvy zonotopes …