V Daniela - researchgate.net
… Several applications of Minkowski sum in modelling of zonotopes and surface patches in
the Euclidean space created as sums of two curves determined by point functions are given. …

Computational geometric approach to submodular function minimization for multiclass queueing systems

T Itoko, S Iwata - Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics, 2012 - Springer
… called a zonotope. It will be shown that the minimizer of ̂f is among the lower extreme points
of the zonotope, … Furthermore, exploiting the duality relation between a zonotope in a three-…

Geometric analysis of the kinematic sensitivity of planar parallel mechanisms

MH Saadatzi, MT Masouleh… - Transactions of the …, 2011 - cdnsciencepub.com
The kinematic sensitivity is a unit-consistent measure that has been recently proposed as a
mechanism performance index to compare robot architectures. This paper presents a robust …

Hyperplane Arrangements

CD Concini, C Procesi - … in Hyperplane Arrangements, Polytopes and Box …, 2011 - Springer
… The importance of zonotopes in this book comes from the fact that they appear as the
support of an interesting class of special functions, the box splines. This will be discussed in …

[PDF][PDF] Research Topics for Presentation

K Fukuda - 2009 - Citeseer
… The key idea is to use an efficient algorithm for enumerating all vertices of a zonotope. …
From the zonotope construction to the Minkowski addition of convex polytopes. Journal of …

[PDF][PDF] Polyhedral Split Decomposition of Tropical Polytopes for Directed Distances

S Koichi - 2010 - aporc.org
… turns out to be a Minkowski sum of a zonotope, a linear space, and a nonnegative orthant. …
minimal points of) a Minkowski sum of a zonotope, a linear space, and a nonnegative orthant. …

Permutohedra, associahedra, and beyond

A Postnikov - International Mathematics Research Notices, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The volume and the number of lattice points of the permutohedron P n are given by certain
multivariate polynomials that have remarkable combinatorial properties. We give several …

Vector partition functions and generalized Dahmen and Micchelli spaces

C De Concini, C Procesi, M Vergne - Transformation Groups, 2010 - Springer
This is the first of a series of papers on partition functions and the index theory of transversally
elliptic operators. In this paper we only discuss algebraic and combinatorial issues related …

Actuation redundancy as a way to improve the acceleration capabilities of 3T and 3T1R pick-and-place parallel manipulators

D Corbel, M Gouttefarde, O Company, F Pierrot - 2010 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
… 16 that this image is a particular type of convex polytope called a zonotope. In Ref. 16,
the authors also propose a method to determine a representation of such a zonotope as the …

Using redundant constraints for refinement

E Asarin, T Dang, O Maler, R Testylier - International Symposium on …, 2010 - Springer
… the recently developed zonotope-based algorithms [12,1]. The main advantage of zonotopes
is that some important operations can be performed very efficiently over zonotopes, such as …