A test for independence of two multivariate samples

EM Sukhanova - Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 2008 - Springer
… The idea is based on zonotope approach by G. Koshevoy, H. Oja and others, see [4, 5]. …
Their proposal is based on geometric properties of the zonotope, a certain affine construction …

Approximately bisimilar symbolic models for digital control systems

R Majumdar, M Zamani - International Conference on Computer Aided …, 2012 - Springer
… xq in a zonotope Z1, enclose Bη/2(x q ) in a different zonotope Z2, and use results in [7] (see
also Proposition 7.31 in [20]) for a given uq ∈ Uq to obtain another zonotope Zkτ (xq,uq,x …

On Rectifiable Curves, Additive Vector Functions, and the Minkowski Sum of Straight Line Segments

YG Reshetnyak, VA Zalgaller - Сибирские электронные …, 2012 - mathnet.ru
… of zonotopes, which we can state as follows: A zonotope Q2 extends a zonotope Q1 … is
necessary and sufficient that Q be a limit of zonotopes extending each other. As far as we …

Further Topics

JAD Loera, J Rambau, F Santos - Triangulations, 2010 - Springer
… Again, we would like to understand the set of all zonotopal tilings of a zonotope. For this, let
us use the same trick and look at small zonotopes that have only two distinct tight zonotopal …

[HTML][HTML] Convex integer maximization via Graver bases

JA De Loera, R Hemmecke, S Onn… - Journal of Pure and …, 2009 - Elsevier
… To overcome this difficulty, we need to make use of a suitable zonotope. This is the key idea
… The zonotope generated by a finite set E ⊂ R n is the polytope Z ≔ zone ( E ) ≔ conv { ∑ e …

Static analysis of finite precision computations

E Goubault, S Putot - … Workshop on Verification, Model Checking, and …, 2011 - Springer
We define several abstract semantics for the static analysis of finite precision computations,
that bound not only the ranges of values taken by numerical variables of a program, but also …

The Helly dimension of the L1-sum of convex sets

J Kincses - Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 2010 - Springer
… Baladze [1] proved that in the class of zonotopes him K ≤ k iff K can be decomposed into
the direct sum of at most k dimensional zonotopes. (For the more general class of belt bodies …

Majorization permutahedra and (0, 1)-matrices

G Dahl - Linear algebra and its applications, 2010 - Elsevier
… M(v)is also a zonotope, ie the Minkowski (vector) sum of a finite number of line segments;
see [15] for this results and a treatment of zonotopes. Finally, we mention that the set of …

On Minkowski sums of simplices

G Agnarsson, WD Morris - Annals of Combinatorics, 2009 - Springer
… PF is called a graphical zonotope. The edge graphs of graphical zonotopes were studied by
… degrees of the vertices of a fixed graphical zonotope must be a set of consecutive integers. …

Combinatorics with a geometric flavor

G Kalai - Modern Birkhäuser Classics, 2011 - Springer
… The Radon partitions of a set Α of d+ 2+ k points in Rd correspond to the faces of a k-dimensional
zonotope. Every point in the boundary of this zonotope corresponds to a (normalized) …