Safety verification and reachability analysis for hybrid systems

H Guéguen, MA Lefebvre, O Nasri, J Zaytoon - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008 - Elsevier
… Using zonotopes for linear systems allows to compute, with a sampled approach, an over-…
One main limit when using zonotopes for hybrid systems is linked to the computation of …

[PDF][PDF] Utilisation de solveurs de contraintes pour réduire les approximations produites par interprétation abstraite

OPCMM Rueher -
… utilise le domaine abstrait faiblement relationnel des zonotopes [13], qui établit un bon
compromis entre performance et précision. Les zonotopes sont des ensembles de formes affines …

[PDF][PDF] Static analysis of numerical programs and systems

S Putot - Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de …, 2012 -
… will be the Minkowski sum of a central zonotope γ(CX) and a perturbation zonotope
centered on 0, γlin(PX). There is an easy way to characterize the linear concretization γlin(A): …

Stability of the reverse Blaschke–Santaló inequality for zonoids and applications

KJ Böröczky, D Hug - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2010 - Elsevier
… A (centred) zonotope is a Minkowski sum of (centred) … ) zonotopes in the space of convex
bodies with the Hausdorff metric. Hence each (centred) zonoid is a limit of (centred) zonotopes. …

On the spectral side of Arthur's trace formula—combinatorial setup

T Finis, E Lapid - Annals of mathematics, 2011 - JSTOR
… We remark that in the case of a zonotope (ie a Minkowski sum of line segments) this formula
takes a … This is McMullen's volume formula for zonotopes ([She74]). In the gener case the …


LW Berman, G Williams - SYMMETRY-CULTURE AND SCIENCE, 2011 -
Every (pseudo) line arrangement has a specialized dual plane graph in which all the cells
are zonogons, ie, two-dimensional zonotopes. In the case where the (pseudo) line …

Coverings by Homothetic Bodies-Illumination and Related Topics

K Bezdek - Classical Topics in Discrete Geometry, 2010 - Springer
… This class of polytopes is wider than the class of zonotopes, moreover, it is easy to see
that any convex body of Ed can be represented as a limit of a covergent sequence of belt …

Symbolic analysis for improving simulation coverage of Simulink/Stateflow models

R Alur, A Kanade, S Ramesh… - Proceedings of the 8th …, 2008 -
Aimed at verifying safety properties and improving simulation coverage for hybrid systems
models of embedded control software, we propose a technique that combines numerical …

[PDF][PDF] Model Based Fault Detection and Isolation for a PEMFC System

S de Lira Ramırez -
… Parametric uncertainty effects are propagated to the observer output using a zonotope
The problem of robust fault detection with an interval observer using zonotope where …

Combinatorics and geometry of power ideals

F Ardila, A Postnikov - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2010 -
… ,...,an} of vectors spanning Rd, let the zonotope Z(X) be the Minkowski sum of these vectors.
The box spline BX is a piecewise polynomial function on the zonotope Z(X), defined as the …