The least-used direction pivot rule on acyclic unique sink orientations

T Deering - 2011 -
… A related, but not necessarily simple, class of polytopes is the zonotopes. A zonotope is
the affine projection of an n-dimensional hypercube onto d < n dimensional space. For a non-…

[PDF][PDF] Constrained control: Computations, performance and robustness

M Barić - 2008 -
… Vectors {vi}, i ∈ Np are often called generators of the zonotope Z. The following result is
particularly useful in optimization problems involving inclusions of polyhedra. It is a direct …

[BOOK][B] Topics in hyperplane arrangements, polytopes and box-splines

C De Concini, C Procesi - 2010 -
… In order to describe the regions where the partition function is a quasipolynomial, one needs
to introduce a basic geometric and combinatorial object: the zonotope B(X) generated by X. …

Interval observer design based on nonlinear hybridization and practical stability analysis

N Meslem, N Ramdani - … Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper we design an interval observer for nonlinear uncertain continuous‐time dynamical
systems, in the unknown‐but‐bounded error framework. We show how to generate two …

Switching systems: Active mode recognition, identification of the switching law

EA Domlan, J Ragot, D Maquin - Journal of Control Science and …, 2008 -
… The determination of a zonotope characterizing the set of acceptable solutions is
equivalent to the determination of the parameters hij in an interval form. For that, many optimization …

[HTML][HTML] Set membership parameter estimation of fractional models based on bounded frequency domain data

R Malti, T Raïssi, M Thomassin, F Khemane - Communications in Nonlinear …, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper deals with parameter estimation of fractional models based on frequency domain
uncertain but bounded data. Fractional models parameters, including differentiation orders, …

A novel sequential Monte Carlo approach for extended object tracking based on border parameterisation

N Petrov, L Mihaylova, A Gning… - … on Information Fusion, 2011 -
Extended objects are characterised with multiple measurements originated from different
locations of the object surface. This paper presents a novel Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) …

[HTML][HTML] Minkowski length of 3D lattice polytopes

O Beckwith, M Grimm, J Soprunova… - Discrete & Computational …, 2012 - Springer
… lattice translate of the zonotope Z m =n 1 E 1 +⋯+n 7 E 7 is contained in P (we run through
lattice points F in P to check if F+Z m is contained in P). For all such zonotopes that fit into P …

Robustness of model-based simulations

G Fainekos, S Sankaranarayanan… - 2009 30th IEEE Real …, 2009 -
… The papers [11] and [2] deal with the reachability analysis of continuous-time hybrid systems
based on zonotope representations of the state vector. Zonotopes can be regarded as a …

[HTML][HTML] The brick polytope of a sorting network

V Pilaud, F Santos - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2012 - Elsevier
… We illustrate the results of this section with particular sorting networks whose brick polytopes
are graphical zonotopes. Among them, the permutahedron is a well-known simple ( n − 1 ) -…