Lower bounds for the average and smoothed number of Pareto optima

N Goyal, L Rademacher - arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.3876, 2011 - arxiv.org
… The convex hull of X is a random polytope, a zonotope actually, that is, a linear image of a
hypercube or, equivalently, a Minkowski sum of segments. By Theorem 2.1 [4], every vertex is …

[PDF][PDF] Aspects combinatoires de la théorie géométrique des groupes

F Haglund - HDR, U. Paris Sud, 2008 - imo.universite-paris-saclay.fr
… du zonotope P et (W, Sx) est le syst`eme du zonotope P. Nous dirons que le zonotope P est
… Un complexe poly`edral est dit zonotopal si toutes ses faces sont des zonotopes. Si (W, S) …

On projection bodies of order one

S Campi, P Gronchi - Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2009 - cambridge.org
… class of projection bodies of order n − 1 has been widely investigated and it is closely related
to the class of zonoids which are limits in the Hausdorff metric of sequences of zonotopes, …

Sur la dissemblance et l'égalisation des chances

F Andreoli - 2012 - theses.fr
… Our result links Zonotopes inclusion with the existence of a sequence of dissimilarity
preserving/reducing operations, as the Lorenz curve is related to the existence of a sequence of …

[PDF][PDF] DX-09 June 14-17 Stockholm

E Frisk, M Nyberg, M Krysander, J Åslund - 2009 - kilthub.cmu.edu
… Theresa Rienmüller, Mehdi Bayoudh, Michael Hofbaur, and Louise Travé-Massuyes Robust
Identification and Fault Detection using Zonotope-based Direct and Inverse Approaches... …

Choreography Analysis for Diagnosing Faulty Activities in Business-to-Business Collaboration

D Borrego Núñez, R Martínez Gasca… - DX-09: 20th …, 2009 - idus.us.es
The interaction between business processes (BPs) by means of a choreography is considered
as a Business-to-Business Collaboration (B2BC). This work presents a proposal to …

[PDF][PDF] A Quasisymmetric function for Generalized Permutahedron

CJ Klivans - archytas.birs.ca
A Quasisymmetric function for Generalized Permutahedron Page 1 A Quasisymmetric function
for Generalized Permutahedron Caroline J. Klivans Joint work with Marcelo Aguiar and …

Guaranteed fault detection based on interval Constraint Satisfaction Problem

O Adrot, JM Flaus - 2010 Conference on Control and Fault …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… For example, reduced box [X]’ is in fact the smallest box containing the convex zonotope
defined by (10). After computing the vertices of this zonotope, it is easy to determine [X]’ by …

Coefficient quantization for frames in Banach spaces

PG Casazza, SJ Dilworth, E Odell… - Journal of mathematical …, 2008 - Elsevier
Let ( e i ) be a fundamental system of a Banach space. We consider the problem of approximating
linear combinations of elements of this system by linear combinations using quantized …

Choice of directions for the approximation of reachable sets for hybrid systems

X Chen, E Ábrahám - … Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, 2011 - Springer
In this paper we propose an approach to over-approximate the reachable set (with bounded
time and number of transitions) of a hybrid system by a finite set of polytopes. The …