Quasi interpolation with voronoi splines
M Mirzargar, A Entezari - IEEE transactions on visualization …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… framework exploits geometric properties of zonotopes that apply on the Voronoi cells of all
lattices. Based on the parallelepiped decomposition of zonotopes, the characterization of self-…
lattices. Based on the parallelepiped decomposition of zonotopes, the characterization of self-…
[PDF][PDF] Course on Advanced Valuation Theory
A Bernig - 2011 - csgb.dk
… (9) A zonotope Z is a finite Minkowski sum of intervals. A zonoid is the limit (in the
Hausdorff topology) of a sequence of zonotopes. By Step 8, …
Hausdorff topology) of a sequence of zonotopes. By Step 8, …
Fault tolerant control based on set-theoretic methods.
F Stoican - 2011 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
… les ensembles en forme d’étoile (qui vont au-del`a du domaine des corps convexes et
représentent un prolongement naturel dans l’étude des syst`emes commutés) et les zonotopes (…
représentent un prolongement naturel dans l’étude des syst`emes commutés) et les zonotopes (…
Trajectory-directed discrete state space modeling for formal verification of nonlinear analog circuits
S Steinhorst, L Hedrich - 2012 IEEE/ACM international …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper a novel approach to discrete state space modeling of nonlinear analog circuits
is presented, based on the introduction of an underlying discrete analog transition structure (…
is presented, based on the introduction of an underlying discrete analog transition structure (…
Robust adaptive thresholds under additive and multiplicative disturbances
C Combastel - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2012 - Elsevier
… The resulting domain is thus a time-varying zonotope. This class of centrally symmetric …
kinds of uncertainties within a time-varying zonotope characterized by an augmented matrix E(t) …
kinds of uncertainties within a time-varying zonotope characterized by an augmented matrix E(t) …
[BOOK][B] Lectures on polytopes
GM Ziegler - 2012 - books.google.com
… We'll meet it again as a zonotope in Section 7.3, and as a fiber polytope (the monotone
path polytope of the cube) in Section 9.2. There is a much more recent counterpart, the …
path polytope of the cube) in Section 9.2. There is a much more recent counterpart, the …
[PDF][PDF] Topics in hyperplane arrangements, polytopes and box-splines
C De Concini, C Procesi - to appear, available on www. mat …, 2009 - researchgate.net
The main purpose this book is to bring together some areas of research that have developed
independently over the last 30 years. The central problem we are going to discuss is that of …
independently over the last 30 years. The central problem we are going to discuss is that of …
Set computations with subpavings in MATLAB: the SCS toolbox
This paper presents a MATLAB Toolbox that allows to represent and manipulate subpavings,
ie unions of non-overlapped boxes. The main property of subpavings is their ability to …
ie unions of non-overlapped boxes. The main property of subpavings is their ability to …
[PDF][PDF] A decomposition of the shard intersection order on the symmetric group
TK Petersen - arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.5761, 2011 - researchgate.net
Inspired by work of Simion and Ullman on the lattice of noncrossing partitions, we show that
the shard intersection order on the symmetric group admits a symmetric boolean …
the shard intersection order on the symmetric group admits a symmetric boolean …
Fault detection of a benchmark wind turbine using interval analysis
SM Tabatabaeipour, PF Odgaard… - 2012 American Control …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper investigates a state estimation set-membership approach for fault detection of a
benchmark wind turbine. The main challenges in the benchmark are high noise on the wind …
benchmark wind turbine. The main challenges in the benchmark are high noise on the wind …