Estimates of Loomis–Whitney type for intrinsic volumes

S Campi, P Gronchi - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
… If θ<θ0 (the value for which L is a regular octahedron), then straightforward computations
show that the zonotope inscribed in L with maximal mean width is the square Q that is the …

Convolution by B(X)

CD Concini, C Procesi - … in Hyperplane Arrangements, Polytopes and Box …, 2011 - Springer
In this chapter we fix a lattice $$\wedge\subset V$$ and a list X of vectors in $$\wedge$$
spanning V. We would like to give a streamlined presentation of some of the applications in this …

admissible trajectory, 266 algorithm best-response, 104 consensus, 150, 172 deterministic annealing (DA), 217

KKT KKT - Distributed Decision Making and Control, 2011 - Springer
zonotope extension, 298 inclusion, 298 …

Prediction and Estimation to the Target in Opto-electronic Tracking System Based on Set Membership Estimation

J Lv, N Guo, J Yu - … Engineering, Communication and Management Vol. 1, 2012 - Springer
During the course of prediction and estimation to the target in opto-electronic tracking system,
stochastic noises statistical character affects the precision badly. To solve this problem, set-…

[PDF][PDF] Proposal of Thesis

F Xu - 2012 -
… In [15], zonotopes are proposed to approximate state sets of interval observer and provide
a … Zonotopes have a potential to balance representation precision and computational …

Set membership parameter estimation in the frequency domain based on complex intervals

T Raïssi, N Ramdani, Y Candau - International Journal of Control …, 2009 - Springer
This paper is devoted to set membership parameter estimation for non-linear complex-valued
models. In such a context, the error between the measured data and the output model is …

Discrete convexity and its applications

GA Koshevoy - Combinatorial Optimization, 2011 -
… the definition of the zonotope is transparent, and so is its structure (a projection of a unit
cube), but the number of its vertices might be huge, for example, an An-zonotope has n! vertices. …

[PDF][PDF] On hypersurface coamoebas and integral representations of A-hypergeometric functions

J Forsgård - Licentiate Thesis, Department of Mathematics …, 2012 -
This thesis is concerned with coamoebas of hypersurfaces, and their connection to integral
representations of A-hypergeometric functions. In the first part, we introduce the lopsidedness …

Fault detection and isolation for PEMFC systems under closed-loop control

MM Kamal, D Yu - … of 2012 UKACC International Conference on …, 2012 -
In this work, a model-based fault detection and isolation (FDI) is developed for proton exchange
membrane (PEM) fuel cell (FC) stack that is under feed-forward plus feedback control. …

Overapproximating the reachable sets of LTI systems through a similarity transformation

S Kaynama, M Oishi - Proceedings of the 2010 American …, 2010 -
We present a decomposition method for complexity reduction in reachability analysis and
controller synthesis based on a series of transformations. The decomposition is guaranteed to …