Interval-based fault detection and identification applied to global positioning
V Drevelle, P Bonnifait - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2012 - Elsevier
We present a real-time robust positioning system based on interval analysis and constraint
propagation that computes position domains, and that is able to detect and reject erroneous …
propagation that computes position domains, and that is able to detect and reject erroneous …
[PDF][PDF] Affine and toric arrangements
M Slone, M Readdy… - Discrete Mathematics & …, 2008 -
We extend the Billera―Ehrenborg―Readdy map between the intersection lattice and face
lattice of a central hyperplane arrangement to affine and toric hyperplane arrangements. For …
lattice of a central hyperplane arrangement to affine and toric hyperplane arrangements. For …
[PDF][PDF] The local Steiner problem in Minkowski spaces
PDKJ Swanepoel - 2009 -
… 2.5 Zonotopes as unit balls We will have two occasions to use zonotopes. In Chapter 3 we
need the fact that any centered convex polygon in the plane is a zonotope. In Chapter 8 we …
need the fact that any centered convex polygon in the plane is a zonotope. In Chapter 8 we …
Affine and toric arrangements
R Ehrenborg, M Readdy, M Slone - Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical …, 2008 -
We extend the Billera―Ehrenborg―Readdy map between the intersection lattice and face
lattice of a central hyperplane arrangement to affine and toric hyperplane arrangements. For …
lattice of a central hyperplane arrangement to affine and toric hyperplane arrangements. For …
Towards an industrial use of FLUCTUAT on safety-critical avionics software
… The joint concretization of these affine forms is a center-symmetric polytope, that is a
zonotope. These zonotope-based abstract domains provide an excellent trade-off between …
zonotope. These zonotope-based abstract domains provide an excellent trade-off between …
SmartMobile and its applications to guaranteed modeling and simulation of mechanical systems
E Auer, W Luther - Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2009 - Springer
To automatize modeling and simulation of mechanical systems for industry and research, a
number of tools were developed, among which the program MOBILE plays a considerable …
number of tools were developed, among which the program MOBILE plays a considerable …
[PDF][PDF] Parameter estimation in biological systems using interval methods with parallel processing
SW Marvel, MA de Luis Balaguer… - 8th International …, 2011 -
The modeling of biological systems often involves the estimation of model parameters. Estimation
methods have been developed to model these systems in a boundederror context due …
methods have been developed to model these systems in a boundederror context due …
[PDF][PDF] Volume distribution and the geometry of high-dimensional random polytopes
P Pivovarov - 2010 -
… volume-radius of random zonotopes and Hadamard’s inequality for random matrices. …
Nonlinear state estimation in mobile robot using fuzzy set membership filter
H Qing, Z Jing - 2008 27th Chinese Control Conference, 2008 -
In this paper, we present a fuzzy set membership (FSM) filter for state estimation of nonlinear
discrete-time systems with unknown but bounded disturbances. First, the Takagi-Sugeno (…
discrete-time systems with unknown but bounded disturbances. First, the Takagi-Sugeno (…
Design of experiments for guaranteed parameter estimation in membership setting
S Borchers, R Findeisen - 2011 50th IEEE Conference on …, 2011 -
We address the problem of designing experiments to obtain guaranteed and as good as
possible parameter estimates for linear systems subject to bounded disturbances. First, we …
possible parameter estimates for linear systems subject to bounded disturbances. First, we …