Arithmetic matroids and Tutte polynomials

M d'Adderio, L Moci - Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical …, 2012 -
We introduce the notion of arithmetic matroid, whose main example is provided by a list of
elements in a finitely generated abelian group. We study the representability of its dual, and, …

Cephoids: Minkowski sums of de Gua simplexes

D Pallaschke, J Rosenmüller - Optimization, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Within this article we discuss the structure of those polytopes in which are Minkowski sums
of de Gua simplexes. A de Gua simplex is the convex hull of the origin and n positive …

A survey of the higher Stasheff-Tamari orders

J Rambau, V Reiner - Associahedra, Tamari lattices and related structures, 2012 - Springer
… This becomes even more apparent in the case of cyclic zonotopes discussed in Section 8.
We elaborate no further on this here, but refer to [11, Chp. 2] for a technically satisfying setup. …

[PDF][PDF] Fault detection and diagnosis: Application in micro-electromechanical systems

V Reppa - 2010 -
… using the distance between the zonotope and the data-hyperspace. … zonotope is expanded
by the calculated parameter variation and the intersection between the expanded zonotope

Computing reachable states for nonlinear biological models

T Dang, CL Guernic, O Maler - International Conference on Computational …, 2009 - Springer
In this paper we describe reachability computation for continuous and hybrid systems and its
potential contribution to the process of building and debugging biological models. We then …

A set-valued approach to FDI and FTC: Theory and implementation issues

P Rosa, P Casau, C Silvestre… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2012 - Elsevier
Zonotope-based approaches to fault detection were also recently proposed in Combastel and
… general, less computationally demanding when compared to zonotopebased approaches. …

Quantification of overestimation in interval simulations of uncertain systems

A Rauh, I Krasnochtanova… - 2011 16th International …, 2011 -
In this paper, the properties of a criterion to quantify the overestimation arising in both interval
evaluation of multidimensional nonlinear multivariate functions and interval simulation of …

Algorithm to calculate the Minkowski sums of 3-polytopes dedicated to tolerance analysis

D Teissandier, V Delos - IMProVe International Conference …, 2011 -
Prompted by the development of algorithms for analysing geometric tolerancing, this article
describes a method to determine the Minkowski sum for 3-dimension polytopes. This …

Closed-loop transmission routings for cartesian scara-type manipulators

T Laliberte´, C Gosselin, D Gao - … and Information in …, 2010 -
… forces by J ~ , which will produce a zonotope whose edges are … (15) will be deformed by
the mapping, leading to a zonotope. Hence the real range of joint forces will be increased. This …

The convex algebraic geometry of linear inverse problems

V Chandrasekaran, B Recht, PA Parrilo… - 2010 48th Annual …, 2010 -
We study a class of ill-posed linear inverse problems in which the underlying model of
interest has simple algebraic structure. We consider the setting in which we have access to a …