Stable interval observers in bbc for linear systems with time-varying input bounds
C Combastel - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012 -
This technical note deals with the design of stable interval observers and estimators for
continuous-time linear dynamic systems under uncertain initial states and uncertain inputs …
continuous-time linear dynamic systems under uncertain initial states and uncertain inputs …
Editorial Board (North America): S. Axler
KA Ribet - Springer
The main purpose of this book is to bring together some areas of research that have developed
independently over the last 30 years. The central problem we are going to discuss is that …
independently over the last 30 years. The central problem we are going to discuss is that …
The boundary manifold of a complex line arrangement
Let A be an arrangement of hyperplanes in the complex projective space m, m> 1. Denote
by VDSh 2AH the corresponding hypersurface, and by XD m nV its complement. Among the …
by VDSh 2AH the corresponding hypersurface, and by XD m nV its complement. Among the …
The reach-and-evolve algorithm for reachability analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems
P Collins, A Goldsztejn - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper introduces a new algorithm dedicated to the rigorous reachability analysis of
nonlinear dynamical systems. The algorithm is initially presented in the context of discrete time …
nonlinear dynamical systems. The algorithm is initially presented in the context of discrete time …
Fault detection for uncertain linear systems using parity space approach
In this paper parity space relations are constructed to detect faults in norm-bounded uncertain
linear system. Main goal is to detect actuator and sensor faults in practical systems where …
linear system. Main goal is to detect actuator and sensor faults in practical systems where …
Homological mirror symmetry for the quintic 3–fold
Y Nohara, K Ueda - Geometry & Topology, 2012 -
We prove homological mirror symmetry for the quintic Calabi–Yau 3–fold. The proof follows
that for the quartic surface by Seidel closely, and uses a result of Sheridan. In contrast to …
that for the quartic surface by Seidel closely, and uses a result of Sheridan. In contrast to …
The Tchebyshev transforms of the first and second kind
R Ehrenborg, M Readdy - Annals of Combinatorics, 2010 - Springer
… The omega map ω, discovered by Billera, Ehrenborg, and Readdy [7], links the flag f-vector
of the intersection lattice of a hyperplane arrangement with the corresponding zonotope, and …
of the intersection lattice of a hyperplane arrangement with the corresponding zonotope, and …
[PDF][PDF] Modeling and analysis of hybrid systems
E Ábrahám - RWTH Aachen University, Lecture Notes, 2012 -
… We discuss representations by different geometric objects like convex polyhedra, oriented
rectangular hulls, zonotopes, support functions and orthogonal polyhedra. Using such …
rectangular hulls, zonotopes, support functions and orthogonal polyhedra. Using such …
[HTML][HTML] The partition bargaining problem
UG Rothblum, Y Tangir - Discrete applied mathematics, 2008 - Elsevier
Consider the problem of partitioning n items among d players where the utility of each player
for bundles of items is additive; so, player r has utility v r i for item i and the utility of that …
for bundles of items is additive; so, player r has utility v r i for item i and the utility of that …
Approximate reachability analysis for linear discrete time systems using homothety and invariance
SV Raković, M Fiacchini - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper introduces a method for approximate reachability, for linear discrete time systems,
based on homothety and set invariance. The proposed method utilizes two particular …
based on homothety and set invariance. The proposed method utilizes two particular …