[PDF][PDF] Goran Frehse1, Colas Le Guernic2, Alexandre Donzé1, Scott Cotton1, Rajarshi Ray1, Olivier Lebeltel1, Rodolfo Ripado1, Antoine Girard3

T Dang, O Maler - www-verimag.imag.fr
We present a scalable reachability algorithm for hybrid systems with piecewise affine, non-deterministic
dynamics. It combines polyhedra and support function representations of …

Special issue related to the 2008 IFAC world congress

A Giua, H Guéguen, J Zaytoon - Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid …, 2010 - webdiis.unizar.es
… Althoff, Stursberg, and Buss aim at investigating and evaluating the combined use of
zonotopes and polytopes for the computation of reachable sets of hybrid systems with linear …

Fault diagnosis and tolerant control of non-linear systems using the LPV approach

S Montes - 2011 - dialnet.unirioja.es
El propósito general de esta tesis doctoral consiste en el desarrollo de estrategias de detección
y aislamiento de fallos (FDI) y control tolerante a fallos (FTC) para sistemas no lineales …

[PDF][PDF] Fault Detection and Isolation for PEMFC Systems under Closed-loop Control

D Yu - folk.ntnu.no
In this work, a model-based fault detection and isolation (FDI) is developed for proton exchange
membrane (PEM) fuel cell (FC) stack that is under feed-forward plus feedback control. …

Control of Hidden Mode Hybrid Systems: Algorithm Termination

R Verma, D Del Vecchio - 2011 14th International IEEE …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We consider the problem of safety control in Hidden Mode Hybrid Systems (HMHS) that
arises in the development of a semi-autonomous cooperative active safety system for collision …

Determining divisibility between polynomials with inexact coefficients

H Nakayama, H Sekigawa - ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 2010 - dl.acm.org
We provide a method of determining whether there exist some p 2 P and f 2 F such that p is
divisible by f for a pair of real multivariate interval polynomials, P and F. Although this …

Graph polynomials and their applications II: Interrelations and interpretations

JA Ellis-Monaghan, C Merino - Structural Analysis of Complex Networks, 2011 - Springer
… In the special case that P is a zonotope there is a … ; :::; ar , then it defines a zonotope ZA/
which consists of those points p of … points of Rn lying strictly inside the zonotope tZ.D/ is given by …

[BOOK][B] Control of cyber-physical systems using incremental properties of physical systems

M Zamani - 2012 - search.proquest.com
… two sample points using techniques incorporating zonotopes [Gir05, Tab09] or support …
We can thus enclose xq in a zonotope Z1, enclose Bη/2(xq) in a different zonotope Z2, and …

Using Characteristic Classes to Design Tests for Chromatic Numbers of Graphs

D Kozlov - Combinatorial Algebraic Topology, 2008 - Springer
In principle, all sorts of characteristic classes carry obstructions to graph colorings. Here we
shall look at the applications of Stiefel-Whitney classes associated to free involutions. …

[PDF][PDF] Characterizing cell-decomposable metrics

KT Huber, J Koolen, V Moulton, A Spillner - the electronic journal of …, 2008 - emis.de
… As a consequence it is also shown that the cells in the tight-span associated to a totally
split-decomposable metric are zonotopes that are polytope isomorphic to either hypercubes or …