[PDF][PDF] Some problems, I care most

M Deza - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2010 - core.ac.uk
• Hall triple system: a Steiner triple system S (2, 3, 3n) on E,| E|= 3n, such that, for any point a∈
E, there exists an involution for which a is a unique fixed point.• Finite exponent 3 …

On the homological mirror symmetry conjecture for pairs of pants

N Sheridan - Journal of Differential Geometry, 2011 - projecteuclid.org
The $n$-dimensional pair of pants is defined to be the complement of $n + 2$ generic
hyperplanes in $\mathbb{CP}n$. We construct an immersed Lagrangian sphere in the pair of …

Reachability analysis of uncertain nonlinear systems using guaranteed set integration

N Ramdani, N Meslem, Y Candau - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008 - Elsevier
In this paper we show how to compute the reachable space for uncertain nonlinear continuous
dynamical systems by using guaranteed set integration. We introduce two ways to do so. …

[PDF][PDF] Spatially reconfigurable and non-parametric representation of dynamic bayesian beliefs

BM Lavis - 2008 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
… wrapping effect using zonotopes5. Puig et al. [92] adopted the zonotope representation to …
, but also represented the set of plausible states with zonotopes. Keiffer et al. [94] used interval …

Box spline based 3d tomographic reconstruction of diffusion propagators from mri data

W Ye, S Portnoy, A Entezari, BC Vemuri… - … Imaging: From Nano …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper introduces a tomographic approach for reconstruction of diffusion propagators, P(r),
in a box spline framework. Box splines are chosen as basis functions for high-order …

[PDF][PDF] Algorithmic Algebraic Geometry REU at Texas A&M: Coamoeba Project Writeup

J Sommars - 2011 - math.tamu.edu
… To be specific, I think that π−2 multiplied by the area of the coamoeba’s zonotope and the
multiplicities in each region of the coamoeba are somehow related. This is something which I …

An extended Loomis–Whitney inequality for positive double John bases

AJ Li, G Wang, G Leng - Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2011 - cambridge.org
In this paper, we establish an extended Loomis–Whitney inequality for positive double John
bases, which generalises Ball's result [1]. Moreover, a different extension of the Loomis–…

Brascamp-Lieb inequality for positive double John basis and its reverse

AJ Li, GS Leng - Science China Mathematics, 2011 - Springer
In this paper, we establish the Brascamp-Lieb inequality for positive double John basis and
its reverse. As their applications, we estimate the upper and lower bounds for the volume …

Alexander and Thurston norms of graph links

DG Long - arXiv preprint arXiv:0808.1066, 2008 - arxiv.org
We show that the Alexander and Thurston norms are the same for all irreducible Eisenbud-Neumann
graph links in homology 3-spheres. These are the links obtained by splicing Seifert …

[PDF][PDF] Polyhedral Computation and their Applications

JA De Loera - math.ucdavis.edu
It is indeniable that convex polyhedral geometry is an important tool of modern mathematics.
For example, it is well-known that understanding the facets of the TSP polytope has played …