[HTML][HTML] The convex geometry of linear inverse problems

V Chandrasekaran, B Recht, PA Parrilo… - Foundations of …, 2012 - Springer
In applications throughout science and engineering one is often faced with the challenge of
solving an ill-posed inverse problem, where the number of available measurements is …

[BOOK][B] Algebraic methods for evaluating integrals in Bayesian statistics

S Lin - 2011 - search.proquest.com
… The geometric idea behind our approach is that the Newton polytope of (1.22) is a zonotope
and we are summing over its lattice points. Definitions for these geometric objects are given …

[HTML][HTML] Relations on generalized degree sequences

CJ Klivans, KL Nyman, BE Tenner - Discrete mathematics, 2009 - Elsevier
We study degree sequences for simplicial posets and polyhedral complexes, generalizing
the well-studied graphical degree sequences. Here we extend the more common …

A box spline calculus for computed tomography

A Entezari, M Unser - … on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
B-splines are attractive basis functions for the continuous-domain representation of biomedical
images and volumes. In this paper, we prove that the extended family of box splines are …

[PDF][PDF] On isoperimetric inequalities in Minkowski spaces

H Martini, Z Mustafaev - Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2010 - Springer
… Zonoids are the limits, in the Hausdorff sense, of zonotopes, ie, of vector sums of finitely
many line segments. … ⊂ K with 1 ≤ i ≤ n is the zonotope defined by …

New trends in collision detection performance

Q Avril, V Gouranton, B Arnaldi - VRIC, 2009 - hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
Collision detection on industrial digital mock-up is one of the challenging problems for real-time
interaction in virtual reality applications. The fast increase of graphics hardware …

Finiteness properties of Chevalley groups over the ring of (Laurent) polynomials over a finite field

S Witzel - arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.2961, 2011 - arxiv.org
In these notes we determine the finiteness length of the groups G(O_S) where G is an F_q-isotropic,
connected, noncommutative, almost simple F_q-group and O_S is one of F_q[t], F_q[…

[HTML][HTML] Приближения множеств решений параметрическими множествами

БС Добронец - Журнал Сибирского федерального …, 2009 - cyberleninka.ru
… В работах [3, 4, 5] рассмотрены приближения множеств решений систем ОДУ
эллипсоидами, в [6] для представления множеств решений используются зонотопы [zonotope]. …

Parallelohedra: a retrospective and new results

N Dolbilin - Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, 2012 - ams.org
… Voronoı’s conjecture for parallelohedra that are zonotopes, that is, polyhedra that can be …
are zonotopes. However, starting with d = 5 the class of parallelohedra-zonotopes no longer …

A box spline calculus for the discretization of computed tomography reconstruction problems

A Entezari, M Nilchian, M Unser - IEEE transactions on medical …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
B-splines are attractive basis functions for the continuous-domain representation of biomedical
images and volumes. In this paper, we prove that the extended family of box splines are …