Around AD Alexandrov's uniqueness theorem for convex polytopes

G Panina - Advances in Geometry, 2012 -
… This collection of circles yields an embedded graph G1 which is known to be regular (it
yields the fan of some zonotope). Therefore, G1 has a regular triangulation T1 (which we do not …

Noncrossing partitions and the shard intersection order

N Reading - Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2011 - Springer
… (Alternately, we may work with the zonotope that is dual to F and take the usual convention
… uncountable family of zonotopes dual to F(A). We fix some particular dual zonotope to call Z(A…

II. Volume and mixed volumes

P GRITZMANN, V KLEE - Polytopes: Abstract, Convex and …, 2012 -
… Sometimes we will also work with zonotopes whose relationship to the … zonotope Z as a
geometric object that is relevant, but rather its presentation; hence we speak of an S-zonotope Z …

Generalized permutohedra, h-vector of cotransversal matroids and pure O-sequences

S Oh - arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.5586, 2010 -
Stanley has conjectured that the h-vector of a matroid complex is a pure O-sequence. We
will prove this for cotransversal matroids by using generalized permutohedra. We construct a …

Computing reachable states for nonlinear biological models

T Dang, C Le Guernic, O Maler - Theoretical Computer Science, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper, we describe reachability computation for continuous and hybrid systems and
its potential contribution to the process of building and debugging biological models. We …

[BOOK][B] Classical topics in discrete geometry

K Bezdek - 2010 -
… This class of polytopes is wider than the class of zonotopes, moreover, it is easy to see
that any convex body of Ed can be represented as a limit of a covergent sequence of belt …

[HTML][HTML] On multidimensional inequality with variable distribution mean

E Savaglio - Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2011 - Elsevier
We compare inequality of alternative populations of individuals who differ in many
characteristics besides income. To do so, we introduce a new criterion for ranking multivariate …

Convex difference inclusions for systems analysis and design inclusiones convexas para el análisis y el diseño

M Fiacchini - 2010 -
… Este conjunto es representado por un zonotope. El tamano del zonotope es minimizado en
… y las perturbaciones acotadas son representados por zonotopes. La principal novedad es el …

Affine and toric hyperplane arrangements

R Ehrenborg, M Readdy, MLE Slone - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2009 - Springer
… Recall that a zonotope can be defined without the notion of … ∗ is the face lattice of the
zonotope corresponding to H. … complex is not realized by a zonotope. However, one can view the …

A large deviation principle for Minkowski sums of heavy-tailed random compact convex sets with finite expectation

T Mikosch, Z Pawlas, G Samorodnitsky - Journal of Applied …, 2011 -
We prove large deviation results for Minkowski sums S n of independent and identically
distributed random compact sets where we assume that the summands have a regularly varying …