Minimal containment under homothetics: a simple cutting plane approach

R Brandenberg, L Roth - Computational Optimization and Applications, 2011 - Springer
Minimal containment problems arise in a variety of applications, such as shape fitting and
packing problems, data clustering, pattern recognition, or medical surgery. Typical examples …

[HTML][HTML] Using hybrid automata for set-membership state estimation with uncertain nonlinear continuous-time systems

N Meslem, N Ramdani, Y Candau - Journal of Process Control, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper deals with set-membership state estimation for continuous-time systems from
discrete-time measurements, in the unknown but bounded error framework. The classical …

The multivariate arithmetic Tutte polynomial

L Moci, P Brändèn - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical …, 2012 -
We introduce an arithmetic version of the multivariate Tutte polynomial recently studied by
Sokal, and a quasi-polynomial that interpolates between the two. We provide a generalized …

[HTML][HTML] New Approaches towards the Collision detection

M Kumar, A Avasthi, KK Srivastava… - International Journal of …, 2010 -
Collision detection on industrial digital mock-up is one of the challenging problems for real-time
interaction in virtual reality applications. The fast increase of graphics hardware …

An application of Taylor models to the Nakao method on ODEs

N Yamamoto, T Komori - Japan journal of industrial and applied …, 2009 - Springer
… where Qj is an mxm matrix and [Zj] C R'" is a "zonotope" in our formulation, which we will
see afterward. Here we do not take a constant term for the polynomial part because the center …


We prove large deviation results for Minkowski sums Sn of independent and identically
distributed random compact sets where we assume that the summands have a regularly varying …

Extended-horizon analysis of pressure sensitivities for leak detection in water distribution networks

MVC Ponce, LEG Castañón, VP Cayuela - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2012 - Elsevier
In this paper, a new approach for leak detection in water networks is proposed which considers
an extended time horizon analysis of pressure sensitivities. Previous works based on …

Formal Verification of Continuous Systems

C Sloth - 2012 -
… A similar method based on zonotopes is presented in [Gir05], which gives improved … In [ASB10]
a method based on a combination of zonotopes and polyhedra is presented. Finally, the …

Uniform sampling and reconstruction of trivariate functions

A Entezari - SAMPTA'09, 2009 -
… Generally, the class of polytopes that are the shadow of higher dimensional hypercubes
are referred to as zonotopes. This linear box spline is defined by the four direction and is …

[PDF][PDF] Approximation conservative de l'espace d'état atteignable des systèmes dynamiques monotones par analyse par intervalles et hybridation

N Meslem, N Ramdani… - Proc. of CIFA …, 2008 -
Un prérequis nécessaire à l’analyse d’atteignabilité des systèmes dynamiques hybrides
continu-discret est le calcul de l’ensemble atteignable des systèmes dynamiques continus non …