An improved lower bound and approximation algorithm for binary constrained quadratic programming problem

C Lu, Z Wang, W Xing - Journal of Global Optimization, 2010 - Springer
This paper presents an improved lower bound and an approximation algorithm based on
spectral decomposition for the binary constrained quadratic programming problem. To …

Lifted generalized permutahedra and composition polynomials

F Ardila, J Doker - arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.2977, 2012 -
… The permutahedron Pn is a zonotope, and it can be represented as the Minkowski sum of
all coordinate 1-simplices ∆ij for 1 ≤ i<j ≤ n. Using our established notation, we write Pn = Pn({…

Détection de défauts sur systèmes incertains par approche espace de parité

S Varrier, D Koenig, MH Vu - CIFA 2012-7ème Conférence …, 2012 -
Le principal objectif de cet article est de proposer une méthodologie pour détecter des défauts
sur des systèmes incertains. Dans ce papier, les incertitudes sont considérées comme …

Fast explicit nonlinear model predictive control via multiresolution function approximation with guaranteed stability

S Summers, DM Raimondo, CN Jones… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2010 - Elsevier
In this paper an algorithm for nonlinear explicit model predictive control is introduced based
on multiresolution function approximation that returns a low complexity approximate …

Computing the viability kernel using maximal reachable sets

S Kaynama, J Maidens, M Oishi, IM Mitchell… - Proceedings of the 15th …, 2012 -
We present a connection between the viability kernel and maximal reachable sets. Current
numerical schemes that compute the viability kernel suffer from a complexity that is …

[PDF][PDF] Verification of Hybrid Systems with SpaceEx

G Frehse, R Ray, A Donzé, O Lebeltel, R Ripado… - Citeseer
Zonotopes Support Functions … ● Matisse Toolbox: zonotopes

[PDF][PDF] Structured distance-to-singularity problems arising in robust control

G Halikias -
… r ) and can be solved efficiently using theory of zonotopes, hyperplane arrangements and
linear programming [Avis, Fukuda]. …

[HTML][HTML] Efficient representation and computation of geometric uncertainty: The linear parametric model

L Joskowicz, Y Ostrovsky-Berman, Y Myers - Precision Engineering, 2010 - Elsevier
… We observe that there is a correspondence between spatial zonotopes and line planar
line arrangements. Thus, we can map the problem of computing the faces of the convex …

On the tropical Torelli map

S Brannetti, M Melo, F Viviani - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
We construct the moduli spaces of tropical curves and tropical principally polarized abelian
varieties, working in the category of (what we call) stacky fans. We define the tropical Torelli …

[PDF][PDF] Combinatorics of polytopes and differential equations

VM Buchstaber - Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of …, 2008 -
Polytopes are a classical object of convex geometry. They play a key role in many modern
fields of research, such as algebraic and symplectic geometry, toric geometry and toric …