Exotic components of the toric Hilbert scheme

R Birkner - 2010 - refubium.fu-berlin.de
… Since the r in Proposition II.1.9 grows double-exponentially it gives a rather high bound for
the zonotope on which one has to check for A-gradedness. Already in this paper Sturmfels …

Contribution au pronostic des systèmes non linéaires à base de modèles: théorie et application

D Gucik-Derigny - 2011 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
Cette thèse est une contribution au problème du pronostic des systèmes complexes. Plus
précisément, elle concerne l'approche basée modèles et est composée de trois contributions …

On convergent series representations of Mellin-Barnes integrals

S Friot, D Greynat - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2012 - aip.scitation.org
… In this case, the polytope P reduces to a zonotope given by the Minkowski sum of line elements
Z = [0… Zonotope associated with the region of convergence of the R −1 (u 1 , u 2 ) integral. …

[PDF][PDF] Regular triangulations and resultant polytopes

IZ Emiris, V Fisikopoulos, C Konaxis - Proc. Europ. Workshop …, 2010 - cgi.di.uoa.gr
We describe properties of the Resultant polytope of a given set of polynomial equations
towards an outputsensitive algorithm for enumerating its vertices. In principle, one has to …

[PDF][PDF] On complexity of the mixed volume of parallelograms

L Gurvits - 25th European Workshop on Computational …, 2009 - upcommons.upc.edu
Let K=(K1... Kn) be a n-tuple of convex compact subsets in the Euclidean space Rn, and let
V (Cdot) be the Euclidean volume in Rn. The Minkowski polynomial VK is defined as VK (λ1,..…

Appendix A Related Conference and Seminar Talks

IG Seminar - Editors, 2012 - Springer
… Mark Rudelson Singular values of random matrices Stefano Campi Volume inequalities
for Lp-zonotopes Sasha Sodin An isoperimetric inequality on lp balls Alexander Litvak On the …

Chapter IV. Complexity of Polytope Volume Computation

L Khachiyan - New Trends in Discrete and Computational …, 2012 - books.google.com
… One more question is: is it hard to compute the volume of a zonotope? [7] …

[HTML][HTML] On the existence of Hamiltonian paths for history based pivot rules on acyclic unique sink orientations of hypercubes

Y Aoshima, D Avis, T Deering, Y Matsumoto… - Discrete Applied …, 2012 - Elsevier
… Directions are not a very useful concept in arbitrary polytopes, as no two edges may be
parallel, but they are a natural feature of hypercubes and are inherited by zonotopes, which are …

[HTML][HTML] Guaranteed steady state bounds for uncertain (bio-) chemical processes using infeasibility certificates

J Hasenauer, P Rumschinski, S Waldherr… - Journal of Process …, 2010 - Elsevier
Abstract Analysis and safety considerations of chemical and biological processes require
complete knowledge of the set of all feasible steady states. Nonlinearities, uncertain …

Verifying dynamic properties of nonlinear mixed-signal circuits via efficient SMT-based techniques

L Yin, Y Deng, P Li - Proceedings of the International Conference on …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
… Although other shapes have been shown to be effective for some specific dynamics, eg
zonotopes are successfully applied for linear dynamics [10], boxes (or high-dimensional cubes) …