[HTML][HTML] Robust fault detection and isolation based on zonotopic unknown input observers for discrete-time descriptor systems
… In this work, the uncertain states are estimated by a zonotope considering that all the
uncertainties are also bounded by zonotopes. Based on a recursive procedure, estimation errors …
uncertainties are also bounded by zonotopes. Based on a recursive procedure, estimation errors …
Distributed zonotopic set-membership state estimation based on optimization methods with partial projection
… zonotopes between the prediction zonotopes and the measurement zonotopes to be used
by a set of distributed estimators. The sizes of these intersection zonotopes are minimized by …
by a set of distributed estimators. The sizes of these intersection zonotopes are minimized by …
Constrained feedforward neural network training via reachability analysis
… Since the intersection of constrained zonotopes is also a constrained zonotope as in (7), we
can use this emptiness check to enforce collisionavoidance (ie, non-intersection) constraints…
can use this emptiness check to enforce collisionavoidance (ie, non-intersection) constraints…
[PDF][PDF] Ehrhart polynomial of a polytope plus dilating zonotope
S Hopkins - 2018 - www-users.cse.umn.edu
… This motivates us to study the lattice points in Π(a+k ρ) = Π(a)+kΠ( ρ), or more generally the
lattice points in a polytope plus dilating zonotope. … Ehrhart theory of lattice zonotopes A …
lattice points in a polytope plus dilating zonotope. … Ehrhart theory of lattice zonotopes A …
Zonotopal tilings and the Bohne-Dress theorem
J Richter-Gebert, GM Ziegler - Contemporary Mathematics, 1994 - books.google.com
… We prove a natural bijection between the polytopal tilings of a zonotope Z by zonotopes, and
the one-element-liftings of the oriented matroid M (Z) associated with Z. This yields a simple …
the one-element-liftings of the oriented matroid M (Z) associated with Z. This yields a simple …
The Hilbert Zonotope and a Polynomial Time Algorithm for Universal Grobner Bases
B Eric, O Shmuel, T Rekha - 2002 - philpapers.org
We provide a polynomial time algorithm for computing the universal Gr\" obner basis of any
polynomial ideal having a finite set of common zeros in fixed number of variables. One …
polynomial ideal having a finite set of common zeros in fixed number of variables. One …
[HTML][HTML] NNV: the neural network verification tool for deep neural networks and learning-enabled cyber-physical systems
This paper presents the Neural Network Verification (NNV) software tool, a set-based
verification framework for deep neural networks (DNNs) and learning-enabled cyber-physical …
verification framework for deep neural networks (DNNs) and learning-enabled cyber-physical …
The Minkowski sum of a zonotope and the Voronoi polytope of the root lattice
VP Grishukhin - Sbornik: Mathematics, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
We show that the Minkowski sum of the Voronoi polytope of the root lattice and the zonotope
is a 7-dimensional parallelohedron if and only if the set consists of minimal vectors of the …
is a 7-dimensional parallelohedron if and only if the set consists of minimal vectors of the …
Robust fault estimation based on zonotopic Kalman filter for discrete‐time descriptor systems
… By means of fault detectability indices and matrix, we analyze and construct the fault estimation
zonotope to estimate occurred actuator faults. Therefore, the optimal fault estimation filter …
zonotope to estimate occurred actuator faults. Therefore, the optimal fault estimation filter …
[HTML][HTML] Robust data-driven predictive control using reachability analysis
… In particular, ZPC computes the data-driven reachable set based on a matrix zonotope
recursion starting from the measured output y ( t ) . The matrix zonotope recursion utilizes the …
recursion starting from the measured output y ( t ) . The matrix zonotope recursion utilizes the …