[BOOK][B] Tropical curves and metric graphs
MT Chan - 2012 - search.proquest.com
… because its cells correspond to those classes of Delone triangulations which are dual to
zonotopes; see [BMV11, Section 4.4]. The zonotopal … g whose Voronoi polytope is a zonotope. …
zonotopes; see [BMV11, Section 4.4]. The zonotopal … g whose Voronoi polytope is a zonotope. …
Vector partition functions and index of transversally elliptic operators
C De Concini, C Procesi, M Vergne - Transformation Groups, 2010 - Springer
Let G be a torus acting linearly on a complex vector space M and let X be the list of weights
of G in M. We determine the topological equivariant K-theory of the open subset M f of M …
of G in M. We determine the topological equivariant K-theory of the open subset M f of M …
潮俊光, 足立正和 - システム/制御/情報, 2009 - jstage.jst.go.jp
O となる q∈ R (T) が存在する か を判定せ よ.」 とい う問題 を可到達問題 (reachability problem)
とい う. Q が有限集合で あれ ば, 初期状態か ら 遷移を繰 り返し行 い, 遷移した状態を拾い 上 げ…
とい う. Q が有限集合で あれ ば, 初期状態か ら 遷移を繰 り返し行 い, 遷移した状態を拾い 上 げ…
Facts from Convex Geometry
R Schneider, W Weil - Stochastic and Integral Geometry, 2008 - Springer
… Such a convex body is a special polytope, called a zonotope. Zonoids are precisely the
convex bodies that can be approximated by zonotopes. When (14.33) holds and ρ is even, then …
convex bodies that can be approximated by zonotopes. When (14.33) holds and ρ is even, then …
Generating and analyzing symbolic traces of Simulink/Stateflow models
A Kanade, R Alur, F Ivančić, S Ramesh… - … on Computer Aided …, 2009 - Springer
We present a methodology and a toolkit for improving simulation coverage of Simulink/Stateflow
models of hybrid systems using symbolic analysis of simulation traces. We propose a …
models of hybrid systems using symbolic analysis of simulation traces. We propose a …
Hyperplane arrangements and box splines
C De Concini, C Procesi - Michigan Math. J, 2008 - projecteuclid.org
The purpose of this paper is to explain some explicit formulas that one can develop in the
theory of the box spline and the corresponding algorithms of approximation by functions—in …
theory of the box spline and the corresponding algorithms of approximation by functions—in …
Asymptotic variation of L-functions of exponential sums
HJ Zhu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.5875, 2012 - arxiv.org
Let Delta be an integral convex polytope containing the origin of dimension n in the n-dim
real space and it is simplicial at all origin-less facets. Let A(Delta) be the space of all Laurent …
real space and it is simplicial at all origin-less facets. Let A(Delta) be the space of all Laurent …
Potentials for multi-dimensional tessellations in architectural applications
D Celento, E Harriss - 2011 - papers.cumincad.org
Computationally, there exist significant potentials to integrate periodic (repeating) and
aperiodic (non-repeating) tessellations in architectural applications. While exploration of two-…
aperiodic (non-repeating) tessellations in architectural applications. While exploration of two-…
Leak detection in water distribution networks with optimal linear regression models
MV Casillas, LE Garza-Castañón, V Puig… - … on Intelligent Robotics …, 2012 - Springer
This paper proposes a methodology for leak detection and isolation in Water Distribution
Systems (WDS). Our work is based on the construction of regression models with optimal …
Systems (WDS). Our work is based on the construction of regression models with optimal …
Optimality of affine policies in multistage robust optimization
D Bertsimas, DA Iancu… - Mathematics of Operations …, 2010 - pubsonline.informs.org
In this paper, we prove the optimality of disturbance-affine control policies in the context of
one-dimensional, constrained, multistage robust optimization. Our results cover the finite-…
one-dimensional, constrained, multistage robust optimization. Our results cover the finite-…