Set-valued estimation for mobile sensor networks

TR Nelson, RA Freeman - … of the 48h IEEE Conference on …, 2009 -
This paper presents set-valued estimation algorithms for a mobile sensor network. A
decentralized controller is also discussed; the controller utilizes the mobility of each sensor to …

[PDF][PDF] Lecture notes on lattice polytopes

C Haase, B Nill, A Paffenholz - Fall School on Polyhedral …, 2012 -
In this chapter we want to introduce the basic objects that we will look at for the rest of the
semester. We will start with polyhedral cones, which are the intersection of a finite set of linear …

A linear time-varying approach for robustness analyses of a re-entry flight technology demonstrator

U Tancredi, M Grassi, F Corraro… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
A novel robustness analysis technique is proposed for atmospheric re-entry applications.
The problem is stated as a finite time stability (FTS) analysis of linear time-varying (LTV) …

[BOOK][B] Distributed decision making and control

R Johansson, A Rantzer - 2012 - Springer
The subject of this book is distributed control, decision making and multi-agent system with
a mathematical treatise of relevant problems, an area of research prompted by networked …

Analytic continuation of a parametric polytope and wall-crossing

N Berline, M Vergne - Configuration Spaces, 2012 - Springer
We define a set theoretic “analytic continuation” of a polytope defined by inequalities. For
the regular values of the parameter, our construction coincides with the parallel transport of …

Automatic sensor assignment of a supermarket refrigeration system

S Tabatabaeipour, R Izadi-zamabadi… - 2009 IEEE Control …, 2009 -
Wrong sensor assignment is a major source of faults in industrial systems during the
commissioning phase. In this paper a method for automatic sensor assignment based on active …

[PDF][PDF] Research Description

MA Readdy -
… The coalgebraic techniques also give very elegant proofs of old results, including Billera-Ehrenborg-Readdy’s
concise proof that flag vectors of zonotopes span the space of all flag …

Estimation of component concentrations in biological systems via Interval Analysis

MA de Luis Balaguer… - 2010 Conference Record …, 2010 -
… It can be approximated by simpler forms, such as ellipsoids or zonotopes [12][13]. Several
methods using these forms have been developed for both, linear and non-linear systems [12][…

Multilinear algebraic boolean modelling with tensor decompositions techniques

G Lichtenberg, A Eichler - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2011 - Elsevier
… Solving the fixed rank convex quadratic maximization in binary variables by a parallel zonotope
construction algorithm. European Journal of Operational Research, 1(1):35–50, 2005. T. …

Recursive triangulation description of the feasible parameter set for bounded-noise models

L He, X Sun - IET control theory & applications, 2010 - IET
The problem of estimating feasible parameter sets for linear discrete-time systems with
unknown-but-bounded noise is investigated. Considering that the feasible parameter set of a …