[PDF][PDF] Paper B

S Tabatabaeipour, AP Ravn… - Fault Diagnosis and …, 2010 - academia.edu
Wrong sensor assignment is a major source of faults in industrial systems during the
commissioning phase. In this paper a method for automatic sensor assignment based on active …

[PDF][PDF] Leak Detection and Isolation in Pressurized Water Pipe Networks using Interval LPV Models

J Vento Maldonado… - 7th Workshop on …, 2009 - upcommons.upc.edu
In this paper, a leak detection and isolation methodology in pressurized water pipe networks
is proposed. The methodology is based on computing residuals which are obtained …

[BOOK][B] Triangulations: structures for algorithms and applications

J De Loera, J Rambau, F Santos - 2010 - books.google.com
… We even know that it is hard to compute the volume of zonotopes [111] (Zonotopes are
centrally symmetric polytopes that arise as projections of cubes or, equivalently, as Minkowski …

Response prediction of complex dynamic systems using piecewise parameters

K Shahriari, S Tarasiewicz - 2008 7th IEEE International …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a method is proposed to predict n-step response of linear time-varying systems
(LTVS). To take into account the modeling error in set-membership approach, adjustable …

Creating polytope representations of design spaces for visual exploration using consistency techniques

S Devanathan, K Ramani - Journal of …, 2010 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Zonotopes, a special case of convex polytopes constructed as the Minkowski sum of finite
line segments, have also been used to obtain a convex bounding for the solution space of a …

[PDF][PDF] Isometric embeddings of Archimedean Wythoff polytopes into hypercubes and half-cubes

M Deza, M DUTOUR, S Shpectorov - arXiv preprint math/0407527, 2008 - Citeseer
We study polytopes, obtained by the Wythoff construction from regular polytopes, and the
isometric embeddings of their skeletons or dual skeletons into the hypercubes Hm and half-…

Multi-leak detection with wavelet analysis of pressure sensitivities in water distribution networks.

CD Escalera Avitia - repositorio.tec.mx
Leak detection becomes an important issue for managers of water supply networks. They
need to detect quickly all the unexpected events that could occur in the network, such as …

Abstractions of hybrid systems for verification

H Guéguen, J Zaytoon - Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics, 2011 - Springer
… (especially with interval computation see eg [29]), zonotopes [30,24] or general
polyhedrons. … Zonotope dynamics in numerical quality control. In: Hege, HC, Polthier, K. (eds.) …

[BOOK][B] Polytopes: abstract, convex and computational

T Bisztriczky, P McMullen, R Schneider, AI Weiss - 2012 - books.google.com
The aim of this volume is to reinforce the interaction between the three main branches (abstract,
convex and computational) of the theory of polytopes. The articles include contributions …


TE Panov - ma.man.ac.uk
… More generally, in Rn the Minkowski sum of line segments forms a polytope known as a
zonotope. Set v0 = (0,0,0), v1 = (√3, 0, 0), v2 = (0, √3, 0), v3 = (1, 1, 1), v4 = (1,1, −1). Let Mi = …