Flag enumeration in polytopes, Eulerian partially ordered sets and Coxeter groups

LJ Billera - Proceedings of the International Congress of …, 2010 - World Scientific
We discuss the enumeration theory for flags in Eulerian partially ordered sets, emphasizing
the two main geometric and algebraic examples, face posets of convex polytopes and …

Robust fault detection of mobile robots using an ellipsoid bounding identification algorithm

B Zhou, X Dai - 2011 IEEE International Conference on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a set-membership based robust fault detection approach for mobile robots
with dynamic linear in some fault-related parameters. In the framework of set membership …

Verified methods for state and parameter estimators for nonlinear uncertain systems with applications in engineering

M Kletting - 2009 - oparu.uni-ulm.de
… 1A zonotope is the the Minkowski sum of line segments. 2Cooperative systems have a
monotonic behavior. In order to determine guaranteed upper and lower bounds, only calculations …

Simulation of discrete linear time-invariant fuzzy dynamic systems

V Puig, J Saludes, J Quevedo - Fuzzy sets and systems, 2008 - Elsevier
In this paper, a new approach to simulation of discrete linear time-invariant dynamic systems
with parameters and initial conditions described by fuzzy numbers is proposed. This …

Société mathématique du Canada

K Dilcher, K Taylor, P Borwein, R Kane, G Bluman - Springer
Geometry is a classical core part of mathematics which, with its birth, marked the beginning
of the mathematical sciences. Thus, not surprisingly, geometry has played a key role in many …

[HTML][HTML] A linear equation for Minkowski sums of polytopes relatively in general position

K Fukuda, C Weibel - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2010 - Elsevier
The objective of this paper is to study a special family of Minkowski sums, that is of polytopes
relatively in general position. We show that the maximum number of faces in the sum can …

Set-theoretic State Observation of Disturbed Linear Systems with Parametric Uncertainties Mengentheoretische Zustandsbeobachtung linearer Systeme unter …

P de Léon Cantón, J Lunze - at-Automatisierungstechnik, 2009 - degruyter.com
… 5] that use zonotopes and ellipsoids for representing parametric uncertainties. Linear
systems with polytopic uncertainties are also addressed in [9], where a gain matrix for a set-valued …

DC programming based ellipsoid bounding algorithm for guaranteed state estimation

Z Bo, D Xianzhong - Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a new ellipsoid bounding algorithm in the framework of the set-membership
filter for real-time state estimation of nonlinear systems with bounded-error assumptions…

[PDF][PDF] SAT-based Verification for Analog and Mixed-signal Circuits

Y Deng - 2012 - oaktrust.library.tamu.edu
… metrical representation such as polytopes or zonotopes. A reachability analyisis technique
targeted for phase-locked loops (PLLs) is developed recently [9]. One of the key ideas in the …

[BOOK][B] 3D images of materials structures: processing and analysis

J Ohser, K Schladitz - 2009 - books.google.com
… of the segments [0, xi] between 0 and xi forms a zonotope which is a special polytope. Let
mn and let An D fx1,...,xmgn be the set of (n, n)-matrices with column vectors in fx1 ,..., x m g. …