[PDF][PDF] Scalable techniques for the computation of viable and reachable sets
S Kaynama - 2012 - people.ece.ubc.ca
… These algorithms take advantage of compact set representations (eg, ellipsoids and
zonotopes) and/or in general the convexity of all constraints.Their computational complexity is …
zonotopes) and/or in general the convexity of all constraints.Their computational complexity is …
[BOOK][B] Polytopes in computational biology
PMK Huggins - 2008 - search.proquest.com
… a zonotope, whose vertices give all possible rankings on V which can be induced by a linear
scoring scheme. Zonotopes … Our aim in this section is to generalize zonotopes to the case …
scoring scheme. Zonotopes … Our aim in this section is to generalize zonotopes to the case …
Computing the evolution of hybrid systems using rigorous function calculus
P Collins, D Bresolin, L Geretti, T Villa - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2012 - Elsevier
Hybrid systems exhibit all the complexities of finite automata, nonlinear dynamic systems
and differential equations, and are extremely difficult to analyze. A rigorous mathematical …
and differential equations, and are extremely difficult to analyze. A rigorous mathematical …
IFS on Spaces of Measures
H Kunze, DL Torre, F Mendivil, ER Vrscay - Fractal-Based Methods in …, 2012 - Springer
In this chapter, we expand on the construction of an IFS with probability (as seen in Sect. 2.5
in Chapter 2). We do this in many different directions, but all with the same overall scheme …
in Chapter 2). We do this in many different directions, but all with the same overall scheme …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancements on the hyperplanes arrangements in mixed-integer programming techniques
I Prodan, F Stoican, S Olaru, SI Niculescu - Journal of Optimization Theory …, 2012 - Springer
This paper is concerned with improvements in constraints handling for mixed-integer
optimization problems. The novel element is the reduction of the number of binary variables used …
optimization problems. The novel element is the reduction of the number of binary variables used …
[PDF][PDF] CMACS Embedded Systems Challenge Problem
BH Krogh - 2011 - cmacs.cs.cmu.edu
Ch ll P bl Challenge Problems Scale model checking algorithms to handle unmodified
industrial size software as used for safety critical embedded systems (aerospace/automotive/…
industrial size software as used for safety critical embedded systems (aerospace/automotive/…
Triangulations of and Tropical Oriented Matroids
S Oh, H Yoo - arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.4750, 2010 - arxiv.org
… Unimodular oriented matroids are in bijection with mixed subdivisions of a zonotope, where
any edge used in the summand is an edge of ∆d−1. There happens to be a natural class of …
any edge used in the summand is an edge of ∆d−1. There happens to be a natural class of …
Contribution au développement des techniques ensemblistes pour l'estimation de l'état et des entrées des systèmes à temps continu: application à la détection de …
R Seydou Hassane - 2012 - theses.fr
Cette thèse traite du problème d'observation et d'estimation des variables caractéristiques
des systèmes dynamiques. Il s’ agit d’une problématique fondamentale qui est au cœur de …
des systèmes dynamiques. Il s’ agit d’une problématique fondamentale qui est au cœur de …
Aspects of Brill-Noether geometry in Moduli theory of Algebraic and Tropical curves
S Brannetti - 2011 - arcadia.sba.uniroma3.it
The aim of this thesis is to develop some possible generalizations of the Brill-Noether theory
of smooth curves, to singular curves and to tropical curves. We briefly summarize the …
of smooth curves, to singular curves and to tropical curves. We briefly summarize the …
[HTML][HTML] Approximation of convex sets by polytopes
EM Bronstein - Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2008 - Springer
… Lindenstrauss, “Distribution of points on sphere and approximation by zonotopes,” Isr. J.
Math.… Lindenstrauss, and VD Milman, “Approximation of zonoids by zonotopes,” Acta Math., 162, …
Math.… Lindenstrauss, and VD Milman, “Approximation of zonoids by zonotopes,” Acta Math., 162, …