Distributed bounded-error state estimation

M Kieffer - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper presents a distributed bounded-error state estimation algorithm adapted, eg, to
wireless sensor networks. Contrary to centralized estimation, where all data are collected to a …

A Sufficient Condition for Uniform Convergence of Stationary p-Subdivision Scheme

YK Zhang, K Lu, J Zhang, X Zhang - … on Technologies for E-Learning and …, 2008 - Springer
Subdivision is a convenient tool to construct objective curves and surfaces directly from given
scattered points. Stationary p-subdivision schemes are highly efficient in the acquisitions of …


E Althaus, E Kruglov, C Weidenbach - 2009 - abs.informatik.uni-freiburg.de
This paper provides a suite of optimization techniques for the verification of safety properties
of linear hybrid automata with large discrete state spaces, such as naturally arising when …


CA ATHANASIADIS - 2010 - deansos.uoa.gr
… CA Athanasiadis, Zonotopal subdivisions of cyclic zonotopes, Geometriae Dedicata 86 (…
Santos, Monotone paths on zonotopes and oriented matroids, Canadian Journal of Mathematics …

Dependable control of uncertain linear systems based on set-theoretic methods

P de León-Cantón, J Lunze - International Journal of Control, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
This article concerns the feedback control of discrete-time systems subject to disturbances
and uncertainties in both model parameters and signal measurements. The uncertainties are …

An algorithm for bounded-error identification of nonlinear systems based on DC functions

JM Bravo, T Alamo, MJ Redondo, EF Camacho - Automatica, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper presents a guaranteed method for the parameter estimation of nonlinear models
in a bounded-error context. This method is based on functions which consists of the …

[BOOK][B] Computer Aided Verification: 21st International Conference, CAV 2009, Grenoble, France, June 26-July 2, 2009, Proceedings

A Bouajjani, O Maler - 2009 - books.google.com
This volume contains the proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided
Veri? cation (CAV) held in Grenoble, France, between June 28 and July 2, 2009. CAV is …

[PDF][PDF] Interval analysis based learning for fault model identification. Application to control surfaces oscillatory failures.

R Pons, C Jauberthie, L Travé-Massuyès… - Proceedings of the …, 2008 - researchgate.net
Interval models may be seen as a trade-off between numerical and qualitative models. They
have been often referred as semi-qualitative models. The interval algebra is indeed a …

[PDF][PDF] Sur quelques applications du Polynôme de Tutte

B Albar - Mémoire de M1 Mathématiques, 2010 - elentir.toile-libre.org
En 1954, WT Tutte introduit une généralisation à deux variables du polynôme chromatique d’un
graphe. Le polynôme chromatique était obtenu en trivialisant la nouvelle variable. Il s’ …

Constructions and obstructions for extremal polytopes

R Sanyal - 2008 - depositonce.tu-berlin.de
In the first part of this thesis we investigate projections of polytopes as a method for constructing
combinatorially extremal polytopes. The starting point is a joint work with Guenter Ziegler …