Consensus for networks with unknown but bounded disturbances
D Bauso, L Giarré, R Pesenti - SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2009 - SIAM
We consider stationary consensus protocols for networks of dynamic agents. The measure
of the neighbors' states is affected by unknown but bounded disturbances. Here the main …
of the neighbors' states is affected by unknown but bounded disturbances. Here the main …
[PDF][PDF] Faster Gaussian Lattice Sampling using Lazy Floating-Point Arithmetic
F Gaussian, L Ducas, PQ Nguyen -
Secret Key: a short basis B of Λ Public Key: a large basis of Λ Signature: t= H (m)∈ Rn the
hash of a message s=⌈ t· B-1⌋· B the signature of m Verification: Check that s∈ Λ and s− H (m…
hash of a message s=⌈ t· B-1⌋· B the signature of m Verification: Check that s∈ Λ and s− H (m…
Effective computability of solutions of differential inclusions-the ten thousand monkeys approach
P Collins, D Graça - Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2009 -
In this note we consider the computability of the solution of the initial- value problem for
ordinary di erential equations with continuous right- hand side. We present algorithms for the …
ordinary di erential equations with continuous right- hand side. We present algorithms for the …
Approximation by Splines
CD Concini, C Procesi - … in Hyperplane Arrangements, Polytopes and Box …, 2011 - Springer
In this chapter we want to give a taste to the reader of the wide area of approximation theory.
This is a very large subject, ranging from analytical to even engineering-oriented topics. We …
This is a very large subject, ranging from analytical to even engineering-oriented topics. We …
Formal Verification and In-Situ Test of Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits
L Yin - 2012 -
… Although other shapes have been shown to be effective for some specific dynamics, eg
zonotopes are successfully applied for linear dynamics [21], boxes (or high-dimensional cubes) …
zonotopes are successfully applied for linear dynamics [21], boxes (or high-dimensional cubes) …
Approximation of reachable sets using optimal control algorithms
R Baier, M Gerdts, I Xausa - 2012 -
We investigate and analyze a computational method for the approximation of reachable sets
for nonlinear dynamic systems. The method uses grids to cover the region of interest and …
for nonlinear dynamic systems. The method uses grids to cover the region of interest and …
Excluded-volume potential for rigid molecules endowed with C2v symmetry
F Bisi, R Rosso - European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012 -
… has been developed by Mulder who has obtained an explicit expression of the excluded
volume for a pair of spheroplatelets [17] and, more recently, for a pair of sphero-zonotopes [18], …
volume for a pair of spheroplatelets [17] and, more recently, for a pair of sphero-zonotopes [18], …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal control applications in space situational awareness
MJ Holzinger - 2011 -
There are currently more than 19,000 trackable objects in Earth orbit, 1,300 of which are active.
With so many objects populating the space object catalog and new objects being added …
With so many objects populating the space object catalog and new objects being added …
[BOOK][B] Sampling-based algorithms for analysis and design of hybrid and embedded systems
A Bhatia - 2008 -
This dissertation considers the problem of safety analysis of hybrid and embedded systems
using sampling-based incremental search algorithms. The safety specifications are a set of …
using sampling-based incremental search algorithms. The safety specifications are a set of …
Small-ball probabilities for the volume of random convex sets
P Pivovarov - 2012 -
… Zonotope = Minkowski sum of segments [−Xi ,Xi ]: … ▶ Zonotope: take C = BN …