Exact algorithms and software in optimization and polyhedral computation
K Fukuda - Proceedings of the twenty-first international symposium …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
In this tutorial, we present a new field of research on implementing exact algorithms in
optimization and polyhedral computation in exact (arbitrary precision) arithmetic. Such algorithms …
optimization and polyhedral computation in exact (arbitrary precision) arithmetic. Such algorithms …
Set-membership state estimation with fleeting data
F Le Bars, J Sliwka, L Jaulin, O Reynet - Automatica, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper deals with offline nonlinear state estimation where measurements are available
only when some given equality conditions are satisfied. For this type of problems, which are …
only when some given equality conditions are satisfied. For this type of problems, which are …
Set membership parameter estimation and design of experiments using homothety
S Borchers, SV Raković, R Findeisen - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2011 - Elsevier
In this note we address the problems of obtaining guaranteed and as good as possible
estimates of system parameters for linear discrete–time systems subject to bounded disturbances…
estimates of system parameters for linear discrete–time systems subject to bounded disturbances…
Positive observers for linear positive systems, and their implications
MA Rami, F Tadeo, U Helmke - International Journal of Control, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
A treatment of the positive observation problem for positive systems is provided, for the
continuous and discrete-time cases. The proposed observers are positive, that is, they ensure …
continuous and discrete-time cases. The proposed observers are positive, that is, they ensure …
[HTML][HTML] The active bijection in graphs, hyperplane arrangements, and oriented matroids, 1: The fully optimal basis of a bounded region
E Gioan, M Las Vergnas - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2009 - Elsevier
The present paper is the first in a series of four dealing with a mapping, introduced by the
present authors, from orientations to spanning trees in graphs, from regions to simplices in real …
present authors, from orientations to spanning trees in graphs, from regions to simplices in real …
The Tutte polynomial part I: General theory
T Brylawski - Matroid theory and its applications, 2010 - Springer
Matroid theory (sometimes viewed as the theory of combinatorial geometries or geometric
lattices) is reasonably young as a mathematical theory (its traditional birthday is given as 1935 …
lattices) is reasonably young as a mathematical theory (its traditional birthday is given as 1935 …
Contributing vertices-based Minkowski sum computation of convex polyhedra
H Barki, F Denis, F Dupont - Computer-Aided Design, 2009 - Elsevier
Minkowski sum is an important operation. It is used in many domains such as: computer-aided
design, robotics, spatial planning, mathematical morphology, and image processing. We …
design, robotics, spatial planning, mathematical morphology, and image processing. We …
An algorithm for linearizing convex extremal problems
ES Gorskaya - Sbornik: Mathematics, 2010 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper suggests a method of approximating the solution of minimization problems for
convex functions of several variables under convex constraints is suggested. The main idea of …
convex functions of several variables under convex constraints is suggested. The main idea of …
Acceleration of the abstract fixpoint computation in numerical program analysis
O Bouissou, Y Seladji, A Chapoutot - Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2012 - Elsevier
Static analysis by abstract interpretation aims at automatically proving properties of computer
programs, by computing invariants that over-approximate the program behaviors. These …
programs, by computing invariants that over-approximate the program behaviors. These …
[BOOK][B] Local model predictive control for navigation of a wheeled mobile robot using monocular information
L Pacheco Valls - 2009 - dugi-doc.udg.edu
In this thesis are used natural agents for dinamic navigation of a differential driven wheeled
mobile robot. The perception data are integrated on a local occupancy grid framework where …
mobile robot. The perception data are integrated on a local occupancy grid framework where …