Verification of safety and liveness properties of metric transition systems

A Girard, G Zheng - ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing …, 2012 -
We consider verification problems for transition systems enriched with a metric structure. We
believe that these metric transition systems are particularly suitable for the analysis of cyber-…

Moduli space of planar polygonal linkage: a combinatorial description

G Panina - arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.3241, 2012 -
We explicitly describe a structure of a regular cell complex $K(L)$ on the moduli space $M(L)$
of a planar polygonal linkage $L$. The combinatorics is very much related (but not equal) …

Tight lower bounds on the number of faces of the Minkowski sum of convex polytopes via the Cayley trick

MI Karavelas, E Tzanaki - arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.1535, 2011 -
Consider a set of $r$ convex $d$-polytopes $P_1,P_2,...,P_r$, where $d\ge{}3$ and $r\ge{}2$,
and let $n_i$ be the number of vertices of $P_i$, $1\le{}i\le{}r$. It has been shown by …

[PDF][PDF] Guaranteed state bounding estimation for uncertain non linear continuous systems using hybrid automata

N Meslem, N Ramdani… - … on Informatics in …, 2008 -
This work is about state estimation in the bounded error context for non linear continuous
time systems. The main idea is to seek to estimate not an optimal value for the unknown state …

[PDF][PDF] Selection of time-after-injection in bone scanning using compartmental observers

F Tadeo, MA Rami - World Congress on Engineering, 2010 -
An approach to assist the determination of the best time-after-injection for taking an scintigram
in bone scanning is proposed. More precisely, a technique is discussed to estimate the …

[PDF][PDF] Minkowski sums of rotating convex polyhedra

JM Lien - Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual symposium on …, 2008 -
… From the zonotope construction to the minkowski addition of convex polytopes. Journal of
Symbolic Computation, 38(4):1261–1272, 2004. [3] PK Ghosh. …

Contributions to the minimum linear arrangement problem

H Seitz - 2010 -
The Minimum Linear Arrangement problem (MinLA) consists in finding an ordering of the
nodes of a weighted graph, such that the sum of the weighted edge lengths is minimized. We …

[BOOK][B] A proposal for the diagnosis of uncertain dynamic systems based on interval models

ER Gelso - 2009 -
The performance of a model-based diagnosis system could be affected by several uncertainty
sources, such as,model errors,uncertainty in measurements, and disturbances. This …

Guaranteed steady-state bounds for uncertain chemical processes

J Hasenauer, P Rumschinski, S Waldherr… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2009 - Elsevier
Abstract Analysis and safety considerations of chemical and biological processes frequently
require an outer approximation of the set of all feasible steady-states. Nonlinearities, …

[BOOK][B] Modeling, design, and simulation of systems with uncertainties

A Rauh, E Auer - 2011 -
To describe the true behavior of most real-world systems with sufficient accuracy, engineers
have to overcome difficulties arising from their lack of knowledge about certain parts of a …