[PDF][PDF] Minimizing Submodular Functions

S Iwata - lnmb.nl
Zonotope in 3D … Zonotope

[PDF][PDF] Bounded cohomology of the p-adic upper half plane

E de Shalit - Symmetries in Algebra and Number Theory, 2009 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
We consider the bounded cohomology of Drinfel’d’s p-adic upper half plane, with values in
a local system M. We show that it has a canonical splitting into the space of bounded one-…

[PDF][PDF] A nonlinear uncertain normal form for interval observers.

D Boutat, A Benali, N Ramdani - researchgate.net
This paper deals with necessary and sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence of a
transformation of a class of single output nonlinear uncertain dynamical systems into a …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical probabilistic analysis under aleatory and epistemic uncertainty

BS Dobronets, OA Popova - Book of abstracts, 2012 - konf.ict.nsc.ru
… Among them the techniques were developed for estimating reachable sets by domains of
some fixed shape such as ellipsoids, parallelepipeds, zonotopes. In particular, boxvalued …

An optimal randomized algorithm for d-variate zonoid depth

P Morin - Computational Geometry, 2008 - Elsevier
A randomized linear expected-time algorithm for computing the zonoid depth [R. Dyckerhoff,
G. Koshevoy, K. Mosler, Zonoid data depth: Theory and computation, in: A. Prat (Ed.), …

[PDF][PDF] Mixed connectivity

A Björner, SL de Combinatoire - emis.dsd.sztaki.hu
Theorem 3. Let Γ be a pure cell complex.(1) If Γ is a d-dimensional compact manifold, then
its 1-skeleton is graph-theoretically (d+ 1)-connected.(2) If Γ is a d-dimensional compact …

Fast and robust retrieval of Minkowski sums of rotating convex polyhedra in 3-space

N Mayer, E Fogel, D Halperin - Proceedings of the 14th ACM symposium …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
We present a novel method for fast retrieval of exact Minkowski sums of pairs of convex
polytopes in R 3 , where one of the polytopes frequently rotates. The algorithm is based on pre-…

Collision detection and merging of deformable B-spline surfaces in virtual reality environment

H Pungotra - 2010 - ir.lib.uwo.ca
This thesis presents a computational framework for representing, manipulating and merging
rigid and deformable freeform objects in virtual reality (VR) environment. The core …

A polynomial-time recursive algorithm for some unconstrained quadratic optimization problems

W Ben-Ameur, J Neto - CTW 2009: 8th Cologne-Twente …, 2009 - hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
… Fukuda and TM Liebling: Solving the fixed rank convex quadratic maximization in binary
variables by a parallel zonotope construction algorithm. European Journal of Operational …

Kernels and submodels of deep belief networks

GF Montúfar, J Morton - arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.0932, 2012 - arxiv.org
We study the mixtures of factorizing probability distributions represented as visible marginal
distributions in stochastic layered networks. We take the perspective of kernel transitions of …