Optimal containment
LB Roth - 2010 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
We study algorithmic aspects of optimal containment problems in this thesis. We consider 1-and
k-containment problems under homothety, with the special case of the k-center problem, …
k-containment problems under homothety, with the special case of the k-center problem, …
Fault detection and diagnosis based on parameter set estimation
V Reppa, A Tzes - IET control theory & applications, 2011 - IET
In this study, a fault detection and diagnosis strategy is proposed for the supervision of linearly
parametrisable, time-invariant systems subject to abrupt parameter variations, relying on …
parametrisable, time-invariant systems subject to abrupt parameter variations, relying on …
Efficient probabilistic model checking of systems with ranged probabilities
K Ghorbal, PS Duggirala, V Kahlon, F Ivančić… - International Workshop …, 2012 - Springer
We introduce a new technique to model check reachability properties on Interval Discrete-Time
Markov Chains (IDTMC). We compute a sound over-approximation of the probabilities of …
Markov Chains (IDTMC). We compute a sound over-approximation of the probabilities of …
[BOOK][B] Computer Aided Verification: 22nd International Conference, CAV 2010, Edinburgh, UK, July 15-19, 2010, Proceedings
T Touili, B Cook, P Jackson - 2010 - books.google.com
This volume contains the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computer-Aided
Veri'cation (CAV) held in Edinburgh, UK, July 15-19 2010. CAV is dedicated to the …
Veri'cation (CAV) held in Edinburgh, UK, July 15-19 2010. CAV is dedicated to the …
[PDF][PDF] Schedule of talks.
A Ivanov - utrgv.edu
A minimal spanning tree for a finite subset M of a metric space is a shortest connected graph
with the vertex set M. Minimal spanning trees are used in applications as solutions to the …
with the vertex set M. Minimal spanning trees are used in applications as solutions to the …
[PDF][PDF] Robust optimization of dynamic systems
B Houska - Robust optimization of dynamic systems, 2011 - dl.sanaye20.ir
This thesis is about robust optimization, a class of mathematical optimization problems
which arise frequently in engineering applications, where unknown process parameters and …
which arise frequently in engineering applications, where unknown process parameters and …
Art in Shadows of the Six-dimensional Cube
L Vörös - … of Bridges 2011: Mathematics, Music, Art …, 2011 - archive.bridgesmathart.org
The three-dimensional model of more-dimensional cubes can be constructed on a rotational
axis and on the joining central point in symmetrical form, based on a regular polygon. An …
axis and on the joining central point in symmetrical form, based on a regular polygon. An …
[PDF][PDF] Tételek a konvex geometria és az analızis határán
A Gergely, F Ferenc - sci.u-szeged.hu
A disszertáció elso két fejezetének eredményeit szegedi tanulmányaim alatt bizonyıtottam,
mıg a 3. fejezet 2010 tavaszán született. 2006 és 2009 között a University College London …
mıg a 3. fejezet 2010 tavaszán született. 2006 és 2009 között a University College London …
Baxter permutations and plane bipolar orientations
N Bonichon, M Bousquet-Mélou, É Fusy - Electronic Notes in Discrete …, 2008 - Elsevier
We present a simple bijection between Baxter permutations of size n and plane bipolar
orientations with n edges. This bijection translates several classical parameters of permutations …
orientations with n edges. This bijection translates several classical parameters of permutations …
Two counterexamples for power ideals of arrangements
F Ardila, A Postnikov - arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.1368, 2012 - arxiv.org
We disprove Holtz and Ron's conjecture that the power ideal C_{A,-2} of a hyperplane
arrangement A (also called the "internal zonotopal space") is generated by A-monomials. We also …
arrangement A (also called the "internal zonotopal space") is generated by A-monomials. We also …