L Vörös - matep.mik.pte.hu
The length of the edges of the 3-dimensional cube (3-cube) can be doubled by 23 and tripled
by 33 cubes, and so on, joining each other by faces. In this way, the cubes produce a space…

[PDF][PDF] Contribution au développement de stratégies de diagnostic à base de modèles pour les véhicules spatiaux

A Falcoz - 2009 - theses.fr
Dans le chapitre précédent, nous avons présenté sans bien sûr être exhaustif les contours
des méthodes de diagnostica base de modeles, fréquemment utilisées dans le domaine …

Robust positive interval observers for uncertain positive systems

M Bolajraf, MA Rami, U Helmke - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper presents an approach for the estimation of uncertain linear positive systems, based
on interval observers. The provided conditions for the existence of robust interval positive …

A linear programming construction of fully optimal bases in graphs and hyperplane arrangements

E Gioan, M Las Vergnas - Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2009 - Elsevier
… Zaslavsky, On the interpretation of Whitney numbers through arrangements of
hyperplanes, zonotopes, non-Radon partitions and orientations of graphs, Trans. Amer. Math. …

[BOOK][B] Model predictive control of wastewater systems

C Ocampo-Martinez - 2010 - books.google.com
The series Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage technology transfer
in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all …

[PDF][PDF] Remarks on Talagrand's deviation inequality for Rademacher functions William B. Johnson* Department of Mathematics Texas A&M University

G Schechtman - arXiv preprint math/9201208 - researchgate.net
P (| f− Mf|> c)≤ 4e− t2/4σ2 where σ is the Lipschitz constant of the extension of f and P is the
natural probability on {0, 1} n. Here we extend this inequality to more general product …

Rank-deficient quadratic-form maximization over M-phase alphabet: Polynomial-complexity solvability and algorithmic developments

AT Kyrillidis, GN Karystinos - 2011 IEEE International …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The maximization of a positive (semi)definite complex quadratic form over a finite alphabet
is NP-hard and achieved through exhaustive search when the form has full rank. However, if …

Bounding volume hierarchies of slab cut balls

T Larsson, T Akenine‐Möller - Computer Graphics Forum, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
We introduce a bounding volume hierarchy based on the Slab Cut Ball. This novel type of
enclosing shape provides an attractive balance between tightness of fit, cost of overlap testing, …

A buffer generation method based on minkowski sum

P Zhang, L Zhou, Y Sheng, Y Hu - The 2nd International …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
From current study on buffer generation method, we find the research on buffer generation
method in special shapes is insufficient. This paper is a research on the general buffer …

[BOOK][B] Handbook of hybrid systems control: theory, tools, applications

J Lunze, F Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue - 2009 - books.google.com
Setting out core theory and reviewing a range of new methods, theoretical problems and
applications, this handbook shows how hybrid dynamical systems can be modelled and …