Analyse par intervalles pour la localisation et la cartographie simultanées; Application à la robotique sous-marine

F Le Bars - 2011 -
Cette thèse étudie le problème de la localisation et cartographie simultanées des robots
sous-marins, et ses méthodes de résolution utilisant le calcul par intervalles. Le principe du …

Spherical designs via Brouwer fixed point theorem

AV Bondarenko, MS Viazovska - SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2010 - SIAM
For each $N\geq c_{d}t^{\frac{2d(d+1)}{d+2}}$ we prove the existence of a spherical t-design
on $S^{d}$ consisting of N points, where $c_{d}$ is a constant depending only on d. …

Particle Filter for Bayesian State Estimation and Its Application to Soft Sensor Development

X Shao - 2012 -
For chemical engineering processes, state estimation plays a key role in various applications
such as process monitoring, fault detection, process optimization and model based control. …

Algorithms for bivariate zonoid depth

H Gopala, P Morin - Computational Geometry, 2008 - Elsevier
… Keywords: Statistical data depth; Zonoids; Zonotopes … Eppstein, Optimization over zonotopes
and training support vector machines, in: Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, …

Robust nonlinear model predictive control of a closed run-of-mine ore milling circuit

LC Coetzee - 2009 -
By: Lodewicus Charl Coetzee Promoter: Professor IK Craig Department: Department of
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Name of degree: Philosophae Doctoral (…

The Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma almost characterizes Hilbert space, but not quite

WB Johnson, A Naor - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2010 - Springer
Let X be a normed space that satisfies the Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma (J–L lemma, in
short) in the sense that for any integer n and any x 1 ,…,x n ∈X, there exists a linear mapping L…

[BOOK][B] Approximation based safety and stability verification of hybrid systems

P Prabhakar - 2011 -
With the advent of computers to control various physical processes, there has emerged a
new class of systems which contain tight interactions between the" discrete" digital world and …

Dynamic Minkowski sum of convex shapes

E Behar, JM Lien - 2011 IEEE International Conference on …, 2011 -
… Fukuda, “From the zonotope construction to the minkowski addition of convex polytopes,”
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. …

[PDF][PDF] Math 583E: Linear and Integer Polyhedra

RR Thomas -
The material in these notes is drawn from several existing sources, among which the main
ones are the book Theory of Linear and Integer Programming by Alexander Schrijver [Sch86] …

Kongming: a generative planner for hybrid systems with temporally extended goals

HX Li - 2010 -
Most unmanned missions in space and undersea are commanded by a "script" that specifies
a sequence of discrete commands and continuous actions. Currently such scripts are …