Trajectory based verification using local finite-time invariance
AA Julius, GJ Pappas - … Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and …, 2009 - Springer
In this paper we propose a trajectory based reachability analysis by using local finite-time
invariance property. Trajectory based analysis are based on the execution traces of the system …
invariance property. Trajectory based analysis are based on the execution traces of the system …
Boosting local consistency algorithms over floating-point numbers
MS Belaid, C Michel, M Rueher - … Conference on Principles and Practice of …, 2012 - Springer
Solving constraints over floating-point numbers is a critical issue in numerous applications
notably in program verification. Capabilities of filtering algorithms over the floating-point …
notably in program verification. Capabilities of filtering algorithms over the floating-point …
Projectional differential neural network observer with stable adaptation weights
A García, A Poznyak, I Chairez… - 2008 47th IEEE …, 2008 -
A class of dynamic neural network (DNN) observers involving a projection operator inside is
considered. Such observers seem to be useful when an uncertain nonlinear system, …
considered. Such observers seem to be useful when an uncertain nonlinear system, …
Fault detection and diagnosis based on parameter set estimation for measurements corrupted by bounded noise
V Reppa, A Tzes - … on Control and Automation, MED'10, 2010 -
The objective of this paper is the Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) of multiple abrupt
parameter variations in an inherently time-invariant system based on Parameter Set Estimation. …
parameter variations in an inherently time-invariant system based on Parameter Set Estimation. …
Fault detection and isolation and fault tolerant control of wind turbines using set-valued observers
P Casau, P Rosa, SM Tabatabaeipour… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2012 - Elsevier
… Robust fault detection using zonotope-based set-membership consistency test.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 23(4):311– 330, 2009. …
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 23(4):311– 330, 2009. …
Поясное расстояние между гипергранями зонотопов, являющихся параллелоэдрами
АИ Гарбер - Математические заметки, 2012 -
Каждому $ d $-мерному многограннику $ P $ с центрально-симметричными гипергранями
можно сопоставить такую “карту метро”, что каждая линия этого “метро” содержит в …
можно сопоставить такую “карту метро”, что каждая линия этого “метро” содержит в …
[PDF][PDF] Detekcja małych wycieków w sieciach wodociągowych z zastosowaniem metody modelowania niepewności
P Przystałka, R Wyczółkowski - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, 2011 -
W artykule przedstawiono badania dotyczące detekcji małych wycieków pojawiających się
w sieciach wodociągowych. W celu detekcji uszkodzeń zastosowano schemat …
w sieciach wodociągowych. W celu detekcji uszkodzeń zastosowano schemat …
Structures in the space of Platonic and Archimedean solids
L Vörös - SAJ-Serbian Architectural Journal, 2011 -
This paper gives a classification of Platonic and Archimedean solids related to more-dimensional
cubes. A general infinite net structure for space-filling mosaics created from the above …
cubes. A general infinite net structure for space-filling mosaics created from the above …
A set-valued filter for discrete time polynomial systems using sum of squares programming
C Maier, F Allgöwer - Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference …, 2009 -
In this paper, we propose a novel approach for robust state reconstruction of multi-output
discrete-time systems with polynomial nonlinear dynamics and measurements in presence of …
discrete-time systems with polynomial nonlinear dynamics and measurements in presence of …
Rectangular refinement of affine hybrid systems based on qualitative reasoning
BL Liu, M Lei, HL Pei - … of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, 2010 -
The core of phase-portrait approximation refinement of affine hybrid systems is the efficient
partition of the control model. In this paper, rectangular refinement based on quality …
partition of the control model. In this paper, rectangular refinement based on quality …