Metoda rozmieszczania urządzeń pomiarowych i wykonawczych do celu diagnozowania wycieków w sieciach wodociągowych
P Przystałka, R Wyczółkowski - Problemy Eksploatacji, 2011 -
… Leak detection, isolation and estimation in pressurized water pipe networks using LPV models
and zonotopes, The 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 2010, pp. 36–41…
and zonotopes, The 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 2010, pp. 36–41…
[PDF][PDF] HySon: Precise simulation of hybrid systems with imprecise inputs
O Bouissou, A Chapoutot, S Mimram - RSP. IEEE, 2012 -
Simulation loop: 1. starts from the value of each state at time tn. 2. computes the output
value of each block (time tn). 3. stores the input of the unit-delay blocks (for time tn+ 1). 4. …
value of each block (time tn). 3. stores the input of the unit-delay blocks (for time tn+ 1). 4. …
[PDF][PDF] Polynomial-Complexity Computation of the M-phase Vector that Maximizes a Rank-Deficient Quadratic Form
GN Karystinos, AT Kyrillidis -
The maximization of a positive (semi) definite com-plex quadratic form over a finite alphabet
is NP-hard and achieved through exhaustive search when the form has full rank. However, if …
is NP-hard and achieved through exhaustive search when the form has full rank. However, if …
A Novel Method for Reachability Determination in Petri Nets
D Li, X Sun, J Gao, S Gu, X Zheng - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2009 - Elsevier
Reachability is one of the most important behavioral properties of Petri nets and the past four
decades have witnessed great efforts in developing various implementable methodologies …
decades have witnessed great efforts in developing various implementable methodologies …
Robust Optimization of Dynamic Systems (Robuuste optimalisatie van dynamische systemen)
B Houska - 2011 -
This thesis is about robust optimization, a class of mathematical optimization problems
which arise frequently in engineering applications, where unknown process parameters and …
which arise frequently in engineering applications, where unknown process parameters and …
Linear constraints on face numbers of polytopes
A Werner - 2009 -
Polytopes are central objects in geometry and can be studied from a variety of viewpoints.
This thesis is concerned about combinatorial properties of polytopes and aims at statements …
This thesis is concerned about combinatorial properties of polytopes and aims at statements …
Efficient computation of the binary vector that maximizes a rank-deficient quadratic form
GN Karystinos, AP Liavas - IEEE Transactions on information …, 2010 -
… Fukuda, and TM Liebling, “Solving the fixed rank convex quadratic maximization in
binary variables by a parallel zonotope construction algorithm,” Eur. J. Oper. …
binary variables by a parallel zonotope construction algorithm,” Eur. J. Oper. …
Solution to a combinatorial puzzle arising from Mayer's theory of cluster integrals
O Bernardi - arXiv preprint arXiv:0803.4386, 2008 -
Mayer's theory of cluster integrals allows one to write the partition function of a gas model as
a generating function of weighted graphs. Recently, Labelle, Leroux and Ducharme have …
a generating function of weighted graphs. Recently, Labelle, Leroux and Ducharme have …
Optimal placement of sensors and actuators for leakage detection and localization
P Przystałka, W Moczulski - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2012 - Elsevier
… Leak detection, isolation and estimation in pressurized water pipe networks using LPV
models and zonotopes. In The 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 36–41. …
models and zonotopes. In The 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 36–41. …
Logico-numerical verification methods for discrete and hybrid systems
P Schrammel - 2012 -
Cette thèse étudie la vérification automatique de propriétés de sûreté de systèmes logico-numériques
discrets ou hybrides. Ce sont des systèmes ayant des variables booléennes et …
discrets ou hybrides. Ce sont des systèmes ayant des variables booléennes et …