Hybrid motion planning using Minkowski sums
JM Lien - Proceedings of robotics: science and systems IV, 2008 - books.google.com
… Fukuda,“From the zonotope construction to the minkowski addition of convex polytopes,”
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. …
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. …
Covering Minkowski sum boundary using points with applications
JM Lien - Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2008 - Elsevier
Minkowski sum is a fundamental operation in many geometric applications, including robotic
motion planning, penetration depth estimation, solid modeling, and virtual prototyping. …
motion planning, penetration depth estimation, solid modeling, and virtual prototyping. …
Diagnostic robuste des systèmes incertains. Application à un système mécatronique pour l'automobile.
C Letellier - 2012 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
La détection de défaut est un champ de recherche très large. Les approches à base de
modèle ont reçu une attention particulière. Parfois les incertitudes du modèle créent des …
modèle ont reçu une attention particulière. Parfois les incertitudes du modèle créent des …
Deadbeat observer: construction via sets
SE Tuna - IEEE transactions on automatic control, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A geometric generalization of discrete-time linear deadbeat observer is presented. The
proposed method to generate a deadbeat observer for a given nonlinear system is constructive …
proposed method to generate a deadbeat observer for a given nonlinear system is constructive …
Approximately bisimilar symbolic models for nonlinear control systems
G Pola, A Girard, P Tabuada - Automatica, 2008 - Elsevier
Control systems are usually modeled by differential equations describing how physical
phenomena can be influenced by certain control parameters or inputs. Although these models …
phenomena can be influenced by certain control parameters or inputs. Although these models …
[PDF][PDF] Logico-Numerical Verification Methods for Discrete and Hybrid Systems
MM Pouzet - 2012 - researchgate.net
Les deux dernieres décennies ont été marquées par une explosion du nombre et de la
complexité des systemes embarqués. De plus en plus de tâches critiques dans les domaines de l…
complexité des systemes embarqués. De plus en plus de tâches critiques dans les domaines de l…
The ontology of knowledge based optimization
MKM Nasution - arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.5130, 2012 - arxiv.org
Optimization has been becoming a central of studies in mathematic and has many areas
with different applications. However, many themes of optimization came from different area …
with different applications. However, many themes of optimization came from different area …
Architecture pour la reconfiguration en temps réel des systèmes complexes
A Guadri - 2009 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
Nous proposons une méthodologie de conception pour les systèmes de commande
tolérants aux fautes en partant d’un modèle de base exhaustif pour le système complexe à …
tolérants aux fautes en partant d’un modèle de base exhaustif pour le système complexe à …
[BOOK][B] Methods for reachability-based hybrid controller design
J Ding - 2012 - search.proquest.com
With the increasing complexity of systems found in practical applications, the problem of
controller design is often approached in a hierarchical fashion, with discrete abstractions and …
controller design is often approached in a hierarchical fashion, with discrete abstractions and …
[BOOK][B] Differential Neural Networks Observers: development, stability analysis and implementation
A García, A Poznyak, I Chairez, T Poznyak - 2008 - books.google.com
The control and possible optimization of a dynamic process usually requires the complete
on-line availability of its state-vector and parameters. However, in the most of practical …
on-line availability of its state-vector and parameters. However, in the most of practical …