Étude de méthodes ensemblistes robustes pour une localisation multisensorielle intègre. Application à la navigation des véhicules en milieu urbain.

V Drevelle - 2011 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
On cherche dans cette thèse à caractériser un domaine de confiance pour la localisation d'un
véhicule, en utilisant des méthodes ensemblistes robustes par intervalles. La localisation …

On the local equatorial characterization of zonoids and intersection bodies

F Nazarov, D Ryabogin, A Zvavitch - Advances in Mathematics, 2008 - Elsevier
In this paper we show that there is no local equatorial characterization of zonoids in odd
dimensions. This gives a negative answer to the conjecture posed by W. Weil in 1977 and …

Computer Aided Verification

TTBC PaulJackson - Springer
This volume contains the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computer-Aided
Verification (CAV) held in Edinburgh, UK, July 15–19 2010. CAV is dedicated to the …

On reduction of duality gap in quadratic knapsack problems

XJ Zheng, XL Sun, D Li, YF Xu - Journal of Global Optimization, 2012 - Springer
We investigate in this paper the duality gap between quadratic knapsack problem and its
Lagrangian dual or semidefinite programming relaxation. We characterize the duality gap by a …

A bijection for Eulerian-equivalence classes of totally cyclic orientations

B Chen, ALB Yang, TYJ Zhang - Graphs and Combinatorics, 2008 - Springer
Gioan showed that the number of cycle reversing classes of totally cyclic orientations of a
given graph can be calculated as an evaluation of the corresponding Tutte polynomial. We …

Harmonische Analysis und Darstellungstheorie Topologischer Gruppen

T Kobayashi, B Krötz, E Lapid, C Torossian - Oberwolfach Reports, 2008 - ems.press
This international conference was organized by Toshiyuki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo),
Bernhard Kr\" otz (MPIM Bonn), Erez Lapid (Hebrew University) and Charles Torossian (Paris …

Vers une planification robuste et sûre pour les systèmes autonomes

R Pepy - 2009 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
De nombreux outils existent pour résoudre les problèmes de planification sous contraintes.
On peut les regrouper en deux classes principales. Les plus anciens planificateurs utilisent …

[PDF][PDF] Chromatic and Tutte polynomials for graphs, rooted graphs, and trees

G Gordon - Graph Theory Notes NY, 2008 - webbox.lafayette.edu
The chromatic polynomial of a graph is a one-variable polynomial that counts the number of
ways the vertices of a graph can be properly colored. It was invented in 1912 by GD Birkhoff …

A polytope for a product of real linear functions in 0/1 variables

O Günlük, J Lee, J Leung - Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, 2012 - Springer
In the context of integer programming, we develop a polyhedral method for linearizing a
product of a pair of real linear functions in 0/1 variables. As an example, by writing a pair of …

[PDF][PDF] Recursive least-squares estimation in case of interval observation data

H Kutterer, I Neumann - International Journal of Reliability and …, 2011 - researchgate.net
In the engineering sciences, observation uncertainty often consists of two main types:
random variability due to uncontrollable external effects, and imprecision due to remaining …