Interval slopes as a numerical abstract domain for floating-point variables
A Chapoutot - International Static Analysis Symposium, 2010 - Springer
The design of embedded control systems is mainly done with model-based tools such as
Matlab/Simulink. Numerical simulation is the central technique of development and verification …
Matlab/Simulink. Numerical simulation is the central technique of development and verification …
The flood algorithm—a multivariate, self-organizing-map-based, robust location and covariance estimator
S Liebscher, T Kirschstein, C Becker - Statistics and Computing, 2012 - Springer
Self-organizing maps (SOMs) introduced by Kohonen (Biol. Cybern. 43(1):59–69, 1982 ) are
well-known in the field of artificial neural networks. The way SOMs are performing is very …
well-known in the field of artificial neural networks. The way SOMs are performing is very …
[PDF][PDF] Analyse et estimation robustes des systèmes hybrides non linéaires, une approche ensembliste
N Ramdani - CIFA 2012, 2012 -
Les systèmes dynamiques hybrides sont des systèmes complexes où coexistent des
dynamiques continues et événementielles. Ce sont souvent des systèmes embarqués ou cyber-…
dynamiques continues et événementielles. Ce sont souvent des systèmes embarqués ou cyber-…
[PDF][PDF] Automatic verification of temporal properties of air traffic management procedures using hybrid systems
MD Di Benedetto, A D'Innocenzo… - … Innovative Workshop & …, 2008 -
In an Air Traffic Management context possible catastrophic events can take place because
of an error of a single agent, eg pilot or flight controller, involved in a procedure such as …
of an error of a single agent, eg pilot or flight controller, involved in a procedure such as …
[PDF][PDF] Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
HW Engl - Citeseer
▪ does basic research in computational and applied mathematics according to highest
international standards ▪ obtains the motivation for its research topics also from challenges in …
international standards ▪ obtains the motivation for its research topics also from challenges in …
Multidimensional welfare distributions: empirical application to household panel data from Vietnam
P Justino - Applied Economics, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This article explores the empirical application of theoretical multidimensional welfare distribution
analysis techniques to real household welfare distributions. The article operationalizes …
analysis techniques to real household welfare distributions. The article operationalizes …
[PDF][PDF] Linear time-varying systems: Model parameters characterization using intervals analysis
K Shahriari, S Tarasiewicz - International Journal of Mathematics …, 2008 -
A strategy is proposed to model the complex industrial systems using linear time-varying
system (LT VS). The proposed methodology is independent of model structure and the model …
system (LT VS). The proposed methodology is independent of model structure and the model …
Betti numbers of polynomial hierarchical models for experimental designs
H Maruri-Aguilar, E Sáenz-de-Cabezón… - Annals of Mathematics …, 2012 - Springer
Polynomial models, in statistics, interpolation and other fields, relate an output η to a set of
input variables (factors), x = (x 1 ,..., x d ), via a polynomial η(x 1 ,...,x d ). The monomials terms …
input variables (factors), x = (x 1 ,..., x d ), via a polynomial η(x 1 ,...,x d ). The monomials terms …
Modelling of spikes and mathematica in dynamical systems
M Legua, I Morales, LMS Ruiz - 2009 Sixth International …, 2009 -
Modelling of practical situations in which spikes do appear leads to the use of delta generalized
functions. Many of them are properly handled by means of the symbolic character of …
functions. Many of them are properly handled by means of the symbolic character of …
Semidefinite programming-based method for implementing linear fitting to interval-valued data
M Li, F Yu - International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications …, 2011 -
Building a linear fitting model for a given interval-valued data set is challenging since the
minimization of the residue function leads to a huge combinatorial problem. To overcome such …
minimization of the residue function leads to a huge combinatorial problem. To overcome such …