[HTML][HTML] Simple proofs of classical theorems in discrete geometry via the Guth–Katz polynomial partitioning technique

H Kaplan, J Matoušek, M Sharir - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2012 - Springer
Recently Guth and Katz ( arXiv:1011.4105 , 2010 ) invented, as a step in their nearly complete
solution of Erdős’s distinct distances problem, a new method for partitioning finite point …

다면체간의 강건한 민코스키합 경계면 계산

경민호 - 컴퓨터그래픽스학회논문지, 2010 - dbpia.co.kr
… Fukuda, “From the zonotope construction to the minkowski addition of convex polytopes,”
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. …

Diagnosis of linear systems with structured uncertainties based on guaranteed state observation

P Planchon, J Lunze - International Journal of Control …, 2008 - koreascience.or.kr
Reaching fault tolerance in technological systems requires to detect malfunctions. This
paper presents a diagnostic method that is robust with respect to unknown-but-bounded …

[HTML][HTML] Combinatorial reciprocity theorems

M Beck - Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker …, 2012 - Springer
A common theme of enumerative combinatorics is formed by counting functions that are
polynomials evaluated at positive integers. In this expository paper, we focus on four families of …

[PDF][PDF] Étude de méthodes ensemblistes robustes pour une localisation multisensorielle intègre

V Drevelle - 2012 - researchgate.net
La localisation est une fonction essentielle pour la navigation autonome ou supervisée en
robotique mobile, aux cotés de la planification de trajectoire, de l’évitement d’obstacle et de la …

Topological and Metric Spaces

H Kunze - Springer
This appendix will be devoted to the introduction of the basic properties of metric, topological,
and normed spaces. A metric space is a set where a notion of distance (called a metric) …

A reachability-based method for large-signal behavior verification of dc-dc converters

EM Hope, X Jiang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A method for large-signal behavior verification of power electronics dc-dc converters subject
to uncertain variations in operating conditions is proposed. This method relies on the …

Sliding mode neurocontrol for the class of dynamic uncertain non-linear systems

A Poznyak, I Chairez, T Poznyak - International Journal of Control, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
In this study the tracking problem for a class of non-linear uncertain systems is analyzed. The
considered class of non-linear systems are restricted by those verifying the global Lipschitz …

[PDF][PDF] Random embedding of ln p into lN r

O Friedland, O Guédon - Math. Ann, 2011 - eclass.uoa.gr
For any 0< p< 2 and any natural numbers N> n, we give an explicit definition of a random
operator S: ln p→ RN such that for every 0< r< p< 2 with r≤ 1, the operator Sr= S: ln p→ lN r …

An operational semantics for simulink's simulation engine

O Bouissou, A Chapoutot - ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2012 - dl.acm.org
The industrial tool Matlab/Simulink is widely used in the design of embedded systems. The
main feature of this tool is its ability to model in a common formalism the software and its …