[PDF][PDF] Abstracting the ODE semantics of rule-based models: Exact and automatic model reduction

V Danos, J Feret, W Fontana, R Harmer… - 16th International Static …, 2009 - academia.edu
The rule-based approach allows for compact descriptions of protein-protein interaction networks.
However, the combination of complexation and post-translational modifications causes …

Minimal average degree aberration and the state polytope for experimental designs

Y Berstein, H Maruri-Aguilar, S Onn… - Annals of the Institute of …, 2010 - Springer
For a particular experimental design, there is interest in finding which polynomial models
can be identified in the usual regression set up. The algebraic methods based on Gröbner …

Projecting l∞ onto classical spaces

H König, N Tomczak-Jaegermann - Constructive Approximation, 2009 - Springer
We describe an explicit construction of a linear projection of a symmetric conical section of
the n-dimensional cube onto a (1+ε)-isomorphic version of the Euclidean ball of proportional …

Nonlinear matroid optimization and experimental design

Y Berstein, J Lee, H Maruri-Aguilar, S Onn… - SIAM Journal on Discrete …, 2008 - SIAM
We study the problem of optimizing nonlinear objective functions over matroids presented
by oracles or explicitly. Such functions can be interpreted as the balancing of multicriteria …

[PDF][PDF] Performance evaluation based fault tolerant control with actuator saturation avoidance

B Boussaid, C Aubrun, MN Abdelkrim, MK Ben Gayed - 2011 - zbc.uz.zgora.pl
In this paper, a new approach regarding a reconfigured system is proposed to improve the
performance of an active fault tolerant control system. The system performance is evaluated …

Ehrhart theory, modular flow reciprocity, and the Tutte polynomial

F Breuer, R Sanyal - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2012 - Springer
Given an oriented graph G, the modular flow polynomial \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath}
\usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} …

Un nouvel algorithme de consistance locale sur les nombres flottants

MS Belaid, C Michel, M Rueher - Huitièmes Journées Francophones de …, 2012 - hal.inria.fr
La résolution de contraintes sur les nombres a virgule flottante soulève des problèmes critiques
dans de nombreuses applications, notamment en vérification de programmes. Jusqu'à …

Domaines abstraits en programmation par contraintes

P Marie - 2012 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
La programmation par contraintes permet de formaliser et résoudre des problèmes
fortement combinatoires, dont le temps de calcul évolue en pratique exponentiellement. Les …

An exponential lower bound on the complexity of regularization paths

B Gärtner, M Jaggi, C Maria - arXiv preprint arXiv:0903.4817, 2009 - arxiv.org
For a variety of regularized optimization problems in machine learning, algorithms
computing the entire solution path have been developed recently. Most of these methods are …

[PDF][PDF] Online-Analyse von Fahrstrategien kognitiver autonomer Fahrzeuge

M Althoff, O Stursberg, M Buss - … und eingebettete Systeme für …, 2008 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
Der Beitrag berichtet über eine Methode, mit der für unbemannte Kraftfahrzeuge im
Straßenverkehr auf der Grundlage aktueller Messdaten überprüft wird, ob eine autonom geplante …