Weighted voting, threshold functions, and zonotopes

C Stenson - The Mathematics of Decisions, Elections, and …, 2014 - books.google.com
zonotope Tn related to these functions and describe its coordinates in terms of a measure of
voting power. We also give a voting interpretation of the coordinates of the derived zonotope

On a Conjecture of Holtz and Ron Concerning Interpolation, Box Splines, and Zonotopes

M Lenz - Combinatorial Methods in Topology and Algebra, 2015 - Springer
Let X be a list of vectors that is unimodular and let B X be the box spline defined by X. We
discuss the proof of the following conjecture by Holtz and Ron: every real-valued function on …

[PDF][PDF] Set-membership state estimation for uncertain systems based on zonotopes and ellipsoids

SB Chabane, CS Maniu, D Dumur, T Alamo… - Groupe de Travail de …, 2014 - cpnl.esigelec.fr
… Set-membership state estimation for uncertain systems based on zonotopes and ellipsoids
… Set-membership state estimation for uncertain systems based on zonotopes and ellipsoids …

[PDF][PDF] Robust Identification and Fault Diagnosis based on Uncertain LPV MIMO Parity Equations and Zonotopes

J Blesa, V Puig, J Saludes - academia.edu
… bounded by a zonotope is propagated to the residuals determining their alarm limits
bounded by a zonotope as well. When the residuals are outside of the zonotope that defines the …

On Maximization of a Psd Quadratic Form of Low Rank over a Box by Incremental Enumeration of Vertices of a Zonotope and Polynomial-time Approximations of the …

M Cerný, M Rada - hpsc.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
We consider the problem maxx∈ IRn xT Ax st x∈ C:={ξ: x≤ ξ≤ x}, where x, x∈ IRn and A∈
IRn× n is psd with rank d≪ n. This problem can be rewritten into the form maxy∈ IRd yT y st …

Design of active inputs for set-based fault diagnosis

JK Scott, R Findeisen, RD Braatz… - 2013 American …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Although the set S is neither a zonotope nor the compliment of zonotopes itself, Theorem
1 shows that it is fully specified by computing and storing the zonotopes Z[ij]. Thus, the …

[HTML][HTML] Structure results for multiple tilings in 3D

N Gravin, MN Kolountzakis, S Robins… - Discrete & Computational …, 2013 - Springer
… In the final section, we show that each rational two-flat zonotope admits a very peculiar
non-quasi-periodic \(k\)-tiling. We note that it may be quite difficult to offer a visualization of these \(…

Assessment of a leak localization algorithm in water networks under demand uncertainty

P Cugueró-Escofet, J Blesa, R Pérez… - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015 - Elsevier
… Two consistent approaches to evaluate the effect of demand uncertainty on the decision
result are shown: a Montecarlo approach and a Montecarlo combined with zonotope analysis …

Guaranteed estimation for distributed networked control systems

RA García, L Orihuela, P Millán, MG Ortega… - … '2014–Proceedings of …, 2015 - Springer
… In general, intersections between zonotopes and between zonotope and strip are not … a
zonotope is not a zonotope, but there exist some methods to build a zonotope encompassing the …

A robustness optimization of SRAM dynamic stability by sensitivity-based reachability analysis

Y Song, MPD Sai, H Yu - 2014 19th Asia and South Pacific …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… is developed in this paper by zonotope-based reachability analysis. … zonotope to deal with
multiple device parameters with tuning ranges. Moreover, a sensitivity calculation of zonotope