Actuator-fault detection and isolation based on interval observers and invariant sets

F Xu, V Puig, C Ocampo-Martinez… - … IEEE Conference on …, 2013 -
… In Section IV, the expression of residual zonotopes and their bounding zonotopes are
derived. The FDI algorithm is proposed in Section V. In Section VI, a collection of FDI conditions …

Agent-based guaranteed estimation and control of nonlinear systems

RA García, P Millán, L Orihuela… - 2015 European …, 2015 -
… use to zonotopes to … zonotope inclusion operator which is required to present the proposed
bounded operator. It is used to find an unique zonotope that includes the family of zonotopes

[PDF][PDF] Comparison of reachability methods for uncertain linear time-invariant systems.

IB Makhlouf, P Hänsch, S Kowalewski - ECC, 2013 -
… We introduce our implementation based on zonotopes and … , the number of generators for
zonotopes or directions for support … We begin with our approach based on zonotopes [4], [11]. …

Sampled Switched Systems

L Fribourg, R Soulat - Control of Switching Systems by …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
… using the notion of “zonotope”. Zonotopes are a data structure which is very useful for
representing and manipulating efficiently convex polytopes. Zonotopes allow to compute easily …

Safety control of robots under computed torque control using reachable sets

A Pereira, M Althoff - 2015 IEEE International Conference on …, 2015 -
… to Zlink to obtain the zonotope in Cartesian space … zonotope is a zonotope and a matrix of
symmetric intervals multiplied by a zonotope can be overapproximated with another zonotope

Extended abstract for structure results for multiple tilings in 3D

N Gravin, MN Kolountzakis, S Robins… - The Seventh European …, 2013 - Springer
zonotope, all of its kdimensional faces are centrally symmetric, for 1 ≤ k ≤ d. For example,
the zonotopes in R2 are … We shall say that a polytope P ⊆ R3 is a two-flat zonotope if P is the …

A zonotoped macromodeling for reachability verification of eye-diagram in high-speed I/O links with jitter

PDS Manoj, H Yu, C Gu, C Zhuo - 2014 IEEE/ACM International …, 2014 -
… Moreover, complexity reduction is not well addressed for the zonotope-based reachability
analysis. In this paper, a zonotope-based reachability analysis is utilized for the analog …

The LP-Newton method for standard form linear programming problems

T Kitahara, S Mizuno, J Shi - Operations Research Letters, 2013 - Elsevier
… Let (2) A ̄ = [ A c T ] and define the zonotope Z ̄ as follows: (3) Z ̄ = { z ̄ ∈ ℜ m + 1 | z ̄
… z ̄ k + 1 , the nearest point of b ̄ k to the zonotope Z ̄ . Then b ̄ k + 1 is obtained as the …

Guaranteed quadrotor position estimation based on GPS refreshing measurements

RA Garcia, GV Raffo, MG Ortega, FR Rubio - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015 - Elsevier
… The behavior of the zonotope could be appreciated in Fig.7. At the beginning the region defined
by the zonotope grows until the reliable … In those moments the zonotope size is reduced. …

Five Cubes in the Dodecahedron and 3D Models of Hypercubes

L Vörös - 18th Scientific-Professional Colloquium on Geometry … -
… sum can be called zonotope. Combining 2< j< k edges, 3-models of j-cubes can be built,
as parts of a k-cube. The suitable combinations of these zonotope models can result in 3-…