Guaranteed Estimation for Distributed Networked Control Systems

RA Garcıa, L Orihuela, P Millán… - … '2014–Proceedings of …, 2014 -
… In general, intersections between zonotopes and between zonotope and strip are not … a
zonotope is not a zonotope, but there exist some methods to build a zonotope encompassing the …


… The graphical zonotope of G is the polytope Zono(G) defined as the Minkowski sum of the …
(1) Draw the graphical zonotope of all graphs on 3 vertices. (2) What is the graphical zonotope

A definition of type domain of a parallelotope

VP Grishukhin - Моделирование и анализ информационных систем, 2013 -
… In the second part of the paper, a facet description of zonotopes and zonotopal … A shift of
the zonotope Z(Up) is a face G of the zonotope Z(U). The center of the face G is an end-point of …

A comprehensive method for reachability analysis of uncertain nonlinear hybrid systems

M Maiga, N Ramdani… - … on Automatic Control, 2015 -
… As they happen to be a specific type of zonotope, they articulate perfectly with the
zonotope bounding method that we propose to enclose in an optimal way the set of flowpipe …

SRAM dynamic stability verification by reachability analysis with consideration of threshold voltage variation

Y Song, H Yu, SM Pudukotai Dinakarrao… - Proceedings of the 2013 …, 2013 -
… In the presence of mismatch such as threshold voltage variation of all transistors, zonotope-…
a time-evolved reachability analysis with formed zonotope to distinguish safe and failure …


J Martinez, S Hornus, F Claux, S Lefebvre -
… This is equivalent to offsetting the surface by a solid defined as a Minkowski sum of segments,
also known as a zonotope. A zonotope may be used to approximate the Euclidean ball …

Symmetrization procedures and convexity in centrally symmetric polytopes

A Guessab - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
… The standard examples of such polytopes are zonotopes. Traditionally, a zonotope is defined
as … In two-dimensional case all zonotopes are centrally symmetric polygons and vice versa. …

Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems using conservative polynomialization and non-convex sets

M Althoff - Proceedings of the 16th international conference on …, 2013 -
… A zonotope Z is a special case of a polynomial zonotope that … i] a zonotope is centrally
symmetric to c so that for zonotopes, … the same sets than polynomial zonotopes when the input of …

On the relationship between interval observers and invariant sets in fault detection

F Xu, F Stoican, V Puig… - 2013 Conference on …, 2013 -
… , this paper will use zonotopes to represent and propagate uncertainty in system states
and outputs [1]–[3]. Section II introduces the notion of zonotopes and invariant sets. Section III …

Reachability-based robustness verification and optimization of SRAM dynamic stability under process variations

Y Song, H Yu, SMP DinakarRao - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
… Second, the zonotope-based sensitivity analysis is different from … In this paper, we introduce
a zonotope-based reachability … the modified zonotope as the unidirectional zonotope (Fig. 7)…