[HTML][HTML] Symmetry, oriented matroids and two conjectures of Michel Las Vergnas

IPF da Silva - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2015 - Elsevier
The paper has two parts. In the first part we survey the existing results on the cube conjecture
of Las Vergnas. This conjecture claims that the orientation of the matroid of the cube is …

Guaranteed Quadrotor Position Estimation Based on GPS Refreshing Measurements

RA Abascal García, G Vianna Raffo… - Workshop on Advanced …, 2015 - idus.us.es
… The behavior of the zonotope could be appreciated in Fig.7. At the beginning the region defined
by the zonotope grows until the reliable … In those moments the zonotope size is reduced. …

Sensor-fault detection and Isolation using Interval Observers

F Xu, V Puig, C Ocampo-Martinez… - 2013 Conference on …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Given a zonotope X = pEBGBr C n and a compatible matrix K, the image of the zonotope by
… both Wand V are zonotopes, thus, XO is also a zonotope whose center and segment matrix …

A hybrid stochastic-deterministic input design method for active fault diagnosis

JK Scott, GR Marseglia, L Magni… - … IEEE Conference on …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
zonotopes, which are centrally symmetric convex polytopes that can be described as Minkowsi
sums of line segments [10]. In generator representation, a zonotope … of a zonotope is o = …

Symbolic domain predictive control

J Löhr, M Wehrle, M Fox, B Nebel - … of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2014 - ojs.aaai.org
… Visually it is the part of the error vector that is not covered by the zonotope. In the case that
the zonotope contains no generators we can directly use Equation 9. If it also contains a set of …

A zonotoped macromodeling for eye-diagram verification of high-speed I/O links with jitter and parameter variations

L Ni, SM PD, Y Song, C Gu, H Yu - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… of zonotope and modeling of the variations using zonotopes, … between a zonotope matrix
and a zonotope leads to an … rule [18] is used to merge zonotopes while preserving new …

Reachability analysis of nonlinear differential-algebraic systems

M Althoff, BH Krogh - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Besides zonotopes, support functions have been shown to be … systems, so we use zonotopes
since they can be used for … order of zonotopes to ρ = 400 and the order of zonotopes for the …

Voltage ride-through capability verification of wind turbines with fully-rated converters using reachability analysis

HNV Pico, DC Aliprantis - IEEE Transactions on Energy …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… When the generic sets V and W are zonotopes, the operations result to zonotopes as well.
For instance, Fig. 2 depicts the Minkowski addition of two zonotopes V and W. Here, …

Reachability analysis of shipboard power systems with uncertain pulsed loads

HNV Pico, DC Aliprantis… - 2015 IEEE Electric Ship …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Our implementation uses zonotopes to represent reachable sets. These are computed using
plane geometry by transforming the system dynamics into a canonical coordinate system. …

Robust fault detection of linear systems using a computationally efficient set-membership method

SM Tabatabaeipour, T Bak - 2014 IEEE Conference on Control …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… results with two zonotope-based set-membership methods. … To get the same precision by
using zonotopes the zonotopes … -space based SM method using zonotopes is used for fault …