Adaptive threshold generation in robust fault detection using interval models: time‐domain and frequency‐domain approaches

V Puig, SM de Oca, J Blesa - International Journal of Adaptive …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
… However, in this paper, an alternative approach based on the use of zonotopes (see …
zonotopes as means to handle the wrapping effect 38. This approach guarantees that the zonotope

Closure of principal L-type domain and its parallelotopes

MD Sikiric, V Grishukhin - arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.2498, 2013 -
… We show that the zonotope Zb(Cn+1) has the type of the Voronoi polytope PV (An) of the
root lattice An. The classical root lattice An is integrally generated by vectors of the root system …

Static analysis by abstract interpretation of numerical programs and systems, and FLUCTUAT

E Goubault - International Static Analysis Symposium, 2013 - Springer
This invited lecture is a survey of our work over the last 12 years or so, dealing with the precise
analysis of numerical programs, essentially control programs such as the ones found in …

Sensor fault detection and diagnosis using zonotopic set-membership estimation

SB Chabane, CS Maniu, T Alamo… - … on Control and …, 2014 -
… Then, a family of zonotopes which is an outer approximation of the intersection between a
zonotope Z and a strip S is obtained by Z∩S ⊆ ˆZ(λ) = p(λ) ⊕ ˆH(λ)Bm+1 such that p(λ) = p + λ…

A polyhedral proof of the matrix tree theorem

A Dall, J Pfeifle - arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.3876, 2014 -
zonotopes generated by the columns of the matrices M and L and proving that the volumes
of these two zonotopes … Then the volume of the zonotope Z(M), the volume of the zonotope Z(…

Active fault diagnosis using moving horizon input design

DM Raimondo, RD Braatz… - 2013 European Control …, 2013 -
Zonotopes The methods in this article involve computations with zonotopes, which are …
In generator representation, a zonotope Z is prescribed by its center c ∈ Rn and generators …

[PDF][PDF] Helical structure of space-filling mosaics based on 3D models of the 5D and 6D cubes

L Vörös - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on …, 2014 -
Our 3-dimensional framework (3-model) of any k-dimensional cube (kcube) can be produced
either based on starting k edges arranged by rotational symmetry or as sequences of strut-…

[PDF][PDF] Fault detection and isolation based on the combination of a bank of interval observers

F Xu, F Stoican, V Puig, C Ocampo-Martinez… - Proceedings of the 21st … -
… [1], this paper focuses on the representation of uncertainties by zonotopes and the design of
… Section II introduces the notions of zonotopes and invariant sets. Section III introduces the …

Slide window bounded-error time-varying systems identification

JM Bravo, A Suárez, M Vasallo… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 -
This technical note presents a new identification method for discrete linear systems with time-varying
parameters based on bounded-error approach. It is assumed a bounded additive …

[PDF][PDF] Heterogeneity on production theory: a discrete geometric approach

S Settepanella, G Dosi, M Grazzi, L Marengo… - 2015 -
This paper presents the mathematical and computational details which provide the basis of
the new methodology proposed in Dosi et al. 2013 to assess the level and the evolution of …