Design of bivariate sinc wavelets

W Ye, A Entezari - 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on …, 2012 -
This paper introduces a new way of constructing 2-D wavelets which generalizes the univariate
sinc wavelets to images sampled on arbitrary lattices. For lattices other than Cartesian, …

Five Cubes in the Dodecahedron and 3D Models of Hypercubes

L Vörös - 18th Scientific-Professional Colloquium on Geometry … -
… sum can be called zonotope. Combining 2< j< k edges, 3-models of j-cubes can be built,
as parts of a k-cube. The suitable combinations of these zonotope models can result in 3-…

[HTML][HTML] Unique determination of convex lattice sets

D Ryabogin, V Yaskin, N Zhang - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2017 - Springer
… Since any facet of a lattice zonotope is a lattice zonotope, we can apply Lemma 2.1 to the
facets \(F_K\), \(F_L\) and (a shift of) the sublattice \(\Lambda = H\cap \mathbb Z^n\), where H is …

Guaranteed Estimation for Distributed Networked Control Systems

RA Garcıa, L Orihuela, P Millán… - … '2014–Proceedings of …, 2014 -
… In general, intersections between zonotopes and between zonotope and strip are not … a
zonotope is not a zonotope, but there exist some methods to build a zonotope encompassing the …

Ellipsoid bundle and its application to set-membership estimation

W Tang, Q Zhang, Z Wang, Y Shen - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020 - Elsevier
Zonotopes provide a way to make a good tradeoff between estimation accuracy and … of
ellipsoids and zonotopes. To this end, we need first review the relevant knowledge of zonotopes. …

Coxeter groups through the looking glass: Mirrors and Convexity

H Crapo, CLC de Poly-Barbut - Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 2000 - Elsevier
… In 1962, Coxeter showed how a zonotope is determined by a 'diagram' of projective points
[6]. Here, each antipodal pair of vertices of the zonotope corresponds to the bipartition of the …

The Arithmetic Tutte polynomial of two matrices associated to Trees

RB Bapat, S Sivasubramanian - Special Matrices, 2018 -
… Each arithmetic matroid A naturally gives rise to a zonotope ZA whose Ehrhart polynomial …
To nd these extremal volume ellipsoids, we will need to nd the facets of the zonotope ZA. We …

[PDF][PDF] A conjecture about Minkowski additions of convex polytopes

K Fukuda, C Weibel - 2006 -
… 2.1 Proof for zonotopes sums Zonotopes f-vectors are completely known. Since the sum
of two zonotopes is again a zonotope, it is possible to prove the following: …

Zonotopic Kalman filtering for stability augmentation and flight envelope estimation

HG Harno, Y Kim, J Moon… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
… helicopter in terms of zonotopes. Not only are the resulting zonotopes used for the observer-…
, a product of two matrix zonotopes is overapproximated by another matrix zonotope. That is …

A novel set-based reachability method for optimal robust control of constrained linear systems

R Desimini, M Prandini - 2019 18th European Control …, 2019 -
… law in the form of a zonotope, which allows to … of a zonotope. However, these parameterizations
are less computationally convenient since, while the number of generators of a zonotope