[HTML][HTML] Two-step zonotopic estimation method for discrete-time linear delayed systems

N Sehli, KI Taarit, Z Wang, T Raïssi, M Ksouri - European Journal of Control, 2022 - Elsevier
… To overcome the limitations due to the cooperativity constraint and coordinate transformation,
this paper introduces a new set-membership estimation method based on zonotopes. This …

Efficient Methods for Order Reduction of Zonotopes

B Schürmann - 2016 - archive.www6.in.tum.de
… Topic: Efficient Methods for Order Reduction of Zonotopes Different ways possible to
reduce zonotope order Resulting zonotopes and computation times differ significantly Goal …

Guaranteed state estimation via indirect polytopic set computation for nonlinear discrete-time systems

M Khajenejad, F Shoaib… - 2021 60th IEEE …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… By transforming the polytopes that are characterized as zonotope bundles (ZB) and/or
constrained zonotopes (CZ), from the state space to the space of the generators of ZB/CZ, we …

[PDF][PDF] Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties

M Althoff, BH Krogh, O Stursberg - 2011 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
… represented by matrix zonotopes and interval matrices – computational techniques for both
representations are presented. The reachable set is represented by zonotopes, which makes …

Target-Set Control

RK Pearson, BA Ogunnaike - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2004 - Elsevier
zonotopes is a positive zonotope, and that any positive affine projection of a positive zonotope
is another positive zonotope. As a … disturbance inputs characterized by positive zonotopes

[PDF][PDF] Sri Ramajayam

R Anantharaman - researchgate.net
… First of all we must mention the classic, Liapunov’s Theorem: [ 5 ]:- A zonoid is compactand
convex A zonotope is sum of segments( each centered at the Origin) For our purpose , to …

[PDF][PDF] A Robust Fault Detection Method Using a Zonotopic Kaucher Set-Membership Approach-Application to a Real Single-Tank Process

S Schwab, V Puig, S Hohmann - SWIM 2018, 2018 - lkv.uni-rostock.de
… The feasibility of a zonotope with respect to all constraints can be checked efficiently by
using the Prager-Oettli theorem now applied to all vertices of the zonotope. The result of the …

[PDF][PDF] Tropical hyperplane arrangements and zonotopal tilings

Z Xu - 2018 - math.nsc.ru
… A zonotope is the Minkowski sum of some line segments. Also, a zonotope is the image of
a hypercube after an … Then P is a zonotope if and only if P equals LD for some tree metric D. …

Minimization of polyhedral function over hypercube using projections

M Demenkov - Applications”. Irkutsk: ESI SB RAS, 2017, 224 p., 2017 - isem.irk.ru
It is clear that one can apply linear programming or some kind of subgradient algorithm to
solve this problem. Despite that, we investigate a new approach based on conversion of the …


V PILAUD - lix.polytechnique.fr
… The graphical zonotope of G is the polytope Zono(G) defined as the Minkowski sum of the …
(1) Draw the graphical zonotope of all graphs on 3 vertices. (2) What is the graphical zonotope