[HTML][HTML] Variation of GIT and variation of Lagrangian skeletons II: Quasi-symmetric case
… inside certain zonotope called the ‘… zonotope in R k , we obtain a universal skeleton over R
k × R k ﹨ D for some fattening D of the periodic facet hyperplane arrangement of the zonotope…
k × R k ﹨ D for some fattening D of the periodic facet hyperplane arrangement of the zonotope…
State Estimation of Hybrid Data-driven Control System via Zonotopic Bounding Set Computation
Z Shaotong, L Yuhang, L Jiaqi - 2020 39th Chinese Control …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a data-driven method to obtain state estimation for a class of hybrid
control systems, which involves interacting discrete-event and continuous-variable dynamics. …
control systems, which involves interacting discrete-event and continuous-variable dynamics. …
Reliable bounding zones and inconsistency measures for GPS positioning using geometrical constraints
… zonotope as the nominal uncertainty associated with a specific geometry and value for ∆.
Furthermore, the shape of the zonotope … The number of edges and vertices of a 2D zonotope …
Furthermore, the shape of the zonotope … The number of edges and vertices of a 2D zonotope …
A definition of type domain of a parallelotope
VP Grishukhin - Моделирование и анализ информационных систем, 2013 - mathnet.ru
… In the second part of the paper, a facet description of zonotopes and zonotopal … A shift of
the zonotope Z(Up) is a face G of the zonotope Z(U). The center of the face G is an end-point of …
the zonotope Z(Up) is a face G of the zonotope Z(U). The center of the face G is an end-point of …
The centroid of points with approximate weights
… construction of a zonotope". To add the ith segment zi to the Minkowski sum, we sweep
the current zonotope parallel to zi and then take the swept volume as the new zonotope. If we …
the current zonotope parallel to zi and then take the swept volume as the new zonotope. If we …
Approximating Viability Kernels of High-Dimensional Linear Systems
AM Carvalho, JS Sequeira - 2019 18th European Control …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Here, G is a matrix consisting in the generators of the zonotope as columns, with c, the
zonotope center. The Overlaps(·) function, returns whether a zonotope Z and a polytope P …
zonotope center. The Overlaps(·) function, returns whether a zonotope Z and a polytope P …
R de Sant Nebridi - researchgate.net
… In this paper, a zonotope-based method to evaluate the admissibility of fault actuator … these
two zonotopes is used. The smallest centered interval vector containing the given zonotope X …
two zonotopes is used. The smallest centered interval vector containing the given zonotope X …
Shuffles of deformed permutahedra, multiplihedra and biassociahedra
F Chapoton, V Pilaud - arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06896, 2022 - arxiv.org
… In this paper, we will anyway only need Minkowski sums of graphical zonotopes of graphs
with disjoint edge sets. Finally, we briefly describe the graphical zonotopes of complete …
with disjoint edge sets. Finally, we briefly describe the graphical zonotopes of complete …
Set-based state estimation and fault diagnosis using constrained zonotopes and applications
BS Rego - 2021 - repositorio.ufmg.br
… for refining constrained zonotopes based on nonlinear … The new enclosures based on
constrained zonotopes are … new methods based on constrained zonotopes for set-valued …
constrained zonotopes are … new methods based on constrained zonotopes for set-valued …
Fault Detection and Isolation Based on Unknown Input Set-membership Observer
X Fan, W Zhang, X Li - 2020 39th Chinese Control Conference …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Zonotope center provides the state estimation and the size of the … boundaries of the residual
are defined by a zonotope, the following definition and properties of zonotopes will be used. …
are defined by a zonotope, the following definition and properties of zonotopes will be used. …