Comparison of different bounding methods for providing gps integrity information

H Dbouk, S Schön - 2018 IEEE/ION Position, Location and …, 2018 -
… of a zonotope can be find in [25] and [26], but the computation of the zonotopes in this paper
is based on the above mentioned definition. A full description of the zonotopes construction …

Set-membership State Estimation for a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor

CE Valero, R Paulen - 2021 9th International Conference on …, 2021 -
zonotope of the zonotope resulting from the above step. Any technique that calculates the
over-… zonotope is called a zonotope order reduction technique and the resulting zonotope must …

[HTML][HTML] An efficient tree decomposition method for permanents and mixed discriminants

D Cifuentes, PA Parrilo - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
… of n zonotopes. Although there is no “natural” graph to represent the structure of a set of
zonotopes, … This allows us to give a simple application for mixed volumes of zonotopes with few …

[HTML][HTML] Symmetry, oriented matroids and two conjectures of Michel Las Vergnas

IPF da Silva - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2015 - Elsevier
The paper has two parts. In the first part we survey the existing results on the cube conjecture
of Las Vergnas. This conjecture claims that the orientation of the matroid of the cube is …

Tropical geometry of deep neural networks

L Zhang, G Naitzat, LH Lim - International Conference on …, 2018 -
… We will see that, in an appropriate sense, zonotopes form the geometric building blocks for
neural networks (Section 6.2). We then prove that the geometry of the function represented by …

Set-membership state estimation of autonomous surface vehicles with a partially decoupled extended observer

L Orihuela, C Combastel… - 2022 European Control …, 2022 -
… In this work, the order of a zonotope X refers to the number p of its … a zonotope X is the
Frobenius norm of its generator matrix H (that is, ||H||F = √tr(HT H)). The covariation of a zonotope

Recent progress in continuous and hybrid reachability analysis

E Asarin, T Dang, G Frehse, A Girard… - … IEEE Conference on …, 2006 -
… 1) Reachability using zonotopes: The choice of the representation of the sets Ω0,..., ΩN is …
in [18] the use of zonotopes for the representation of the sets Ω0,..., ΩN . A zonotope Z is a …

[PDF][PDF] Hybrid Automata and Reachability

G Frehse - 2016 -
Zonotope with center c ∈ Rn and generators v1,...,vk ∈ Rn … Zonotopes in Reachability …
with X0, U zonotopes, ˆXt is a zonotope for any δ > 0 …

[HTML][HTML] Actuator fault tolerance evaluation approach of nonlinear model predictive control systems using viability theory

MG Zarch, V Puig, J Poshtan, MA Shoorehdeli - Journal of Process Control, 2018 - Elsevier
… Following computation algorithm in [18], we can find this reachable set using zonotopes by(5…
H considering that Q is a zonotope and ◊ is zonotope inclusion. For computation of viability …

Enhancing Data-Driven Reachability Analysis using Temporal Logic Side Information

A Alanwar, FJ Jiang, M Sharifi… - … on Robotics and …, 2022 -
… , we compute a Lipschitz zonotope in line 5 to provide guarantees. Next, we perform the
reachability recursion in line 6 given the previously computed zonotopes. Note that the Lipschitz …