On the Hausdorff Dimension of Some Random Cantor Sets

V Paulauskas, R Zovė - Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 2003 - Springer
… A special case of stable random cc sets is the so-called countable stable random zonotopes
… these random zonotopes is rather complicated. Roughly speaking, a countable zonotope is …

Interval Estimation for Discrete-time Descriptor System Based on Zonotopic Kalman Filter

A Chen, M Sun, Y Shen, Y Liu - International Journal of Control …, 2022 - Springer
zonotopes are adopted in this paper to characterize uncertainties. Furthermore, by effectively
handling wrapping effects, zonotope-… the successful implementation of zonotope in different …

[HTML][HTML] Parity relations for linear uncertain dynamic systems

S Ploix, O Adrot - Automatica, 2006 - Elsevier
… The method is based on the analysis of zonotopes representing the uncertainties. It leads
both to Boolean detection results and to an indicator representing the distance to the opposite …

Reachable dynamics of networked microgrids with large disturbances

Y Zhou, P Zhang, M Yue - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
zonotopes and zonotope bundles in the ODE-enabled formal analysis. Simulation shows that
zonotope… load-shedding disturbance, while zonotope-bundle still catches the fast nonlinear …

Further results on the design of a class of discrete‐time set‐valued state estimators

N Meslem, T Raïssi, G Besançon - International Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
… Second, to obtain tighter state enclosures, we propose to apply zonotope set computation
instead of interval analysis to design a new set-valued state estimation algorithm. Through …

Merging Kalman filtering and zonotopic state bounding for robust fault detection under noisy environment

C Combastel - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015 - Elsevier
Zonotopes form a class of polytopic sets implicitly represented by matrices and leading to
efficient set computations. This class is closed under Minkowski sum ⊕ (computed as a matrix …

[HTML][HTML] Upper bounds for the analytic complexity of puiseux polynomial solutions to bivariate hypergeometric systems

VA Krasikov - 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
… In Section 2 we investigate particular cases of hy-pergeometric systems defined by zonotopes
and analyze the analytic complexity of their solutions. We formulate and prove an estimate …

[HTML][HTML] Chained segment offsetting for ray-based solid representations

J Martinez, S Hornus, F Claux, S Lefebvre - Computers & Graphics, 2015 - Elsevier
… the solid and an object known as a zonotope. The zonotope is defined as the Minkowski
sum of the set of segments. A zonotope is usually sufficient for our target applications in …

Conservatism Comparison of SUIO and Luenberger Observer in Invariant Set-Based Robust Fault Detection for LPV Systems

B Min, J Yang, J Tan, C Wang… - 2021 IEEE International …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper concentrates on analyzing and comparing the invariant set-based fault detection
(FD) performance of the set-theoretic unknown input observer (SUIO)-based method and the …

[HTML][HTML] Actuator-fault detection and isolation based on set-theoretic approaches

F Xu, V Puig, C Ocampo-Martinez, F Stoican… - Journal of Process …, 2014 - Elsevier
… Additionally, considering the balance among the expressional concision, computational
precision and complexity, this paper uses zonotopes as the containment set to propagate the …